Weekly monday discussion #1

katze doubted me getting ritualed
Now when do you ever doubt my ability to get myself killed

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I havenā€™t actually played an FM in a while because of time

Randomizer kinda killed my investment with ā€œRoyal Blooded Tavernkeeper with only Serve Aleā€

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idk if anythings gonna top VCFM or NDFM. I think they were my two faves.

> marshal claims IC
> Kyo decides ā€œletā€™s convert thatā€
> Marshal is converted
> Marshal was not told he was converted for like 2 fucking minutes
> Marshal openwolfs before he was converted, saying he is IC who can no longer reveal
> Marshal finds out he was, in fact, actually converted
> Marshal is the shaman!


i like mech info
cuz i cant read

thereā€™s a reason why Iā€™m originally from ToS
itā€™s good as long as itā€™s all any (no set meta)

Roles should enhance the game but it should still stay mainly social based skreeee


standard roles are honestly more fun for me
getting buttfucked by a role that i wasnā€™t aware of not could have predicted COUGH ROKUGAN COUGH isnā€™t that fun
if i had to rate

Vanilla>Standard Roles>>>>RM

RRM3 was really good but you people wouldnā€™t have been around to see it.
Me, htm, Solic and MrEevee7 did pretty awesome.

I remember that


Clearly the solution is to make all PRs as confusing as the Tailor role I put in GI

my first scum loss :frowning:

That was when I just came back. ā€œYes I am the Sleuthā€

Proceeds to have 3 people who arenā€™t the mafia mislynched

I was

that was when I first learned mechanics>reads

I had the scumteam basically entirely pegged but decided to focus on mech instead

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I got killed night 1 :-;

think you got your signs mixed up


Oh yeah thatā€™s when you just subbed in and kept claiming I was innocent wasnā€™t it
Solic even predicted the naive cop modifier on you


I kept claiming PKR was innocent cuz he was my greencheck

I just failed to realize it was a 3-person thunderdome with you, james, and PKR, instead of a thunderdome between james/PKR

My scumgames have went RRM3 > Turbo with Priestess > Adiart: Resistance > Marson > Danganronpa FM > RM4 > Randomizer
I canā€™t remember the order of my towngames

Ah Randomizer

I can summarize it with one word


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Oh I completely forgot RM4 as well