Weekly monday discussion #1

Okay so we have a hated meta and also retri

Let’s make sheriff get slightly more vague results

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To be fair

There haven’t been any significant gameplay changes in like 3.5 years

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You’re not wrong

The real reason I’d consider playing ToL again is because I’m much more likely to encounter people I know and like playing with.

Which makes things significantly better for me

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I’m fine playing ToL because I don’t exactly despise the meta and I don’t despise any classes in particular
Yes I don’t necessarily hate fool

as fool isnt as bad in a turbo. As he punishes twenty minutes instead of two weeks

this is why sc2 mafia>everything


whomst dares summon the miller cop


The last few days on the ToS PTR have been very fun for this reason

imagine getting access lmao

Just post your PTR username in the thread and almost every single person who did got access


Were you previously banned?

If not, p sure you’d have gotten tickets

They still give them out every bit I think so it’s probably not too late

i was banned like
5 years ago

for “gamethrowing repeatedly”

also known as people were unhappy with my jailor plays

what were your Jailor plays :eyes:

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you know
the usual

forgetting that jailing d1 is a thing
lynching a townie

i had a game once when i jailed and killed all 4 mafia
then one of the guys was like “im gonna report you for cheating”

people were extremely salty if i didn’t follow meta

that was most of it

how are either of those throwing

does ToS actually ban for that

and if they ban for that then why don’t they just deal with all the people who rand-wolf-disconnect-the-fuck-out

ToS bans you if you’re reported too often

and i got reported nearly every jailor game i lost

I mean I believe you

but sometimes when I looked at reports it was like “I was banned for voting the wrong person which is unfair” and then they were banned for saying “N-word [x24]”