Weekly monday discussion #1

that’s your worst?

I can see how that’s not a quality education but it doesn’t seem awful


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
“Are we done yet miss?”
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

This discussion has went off topic too much.

Please stick to current discussion topic.


That’s what I gotta write first. Y’all know why, bastards.


confused Arete noises

So, which ones I prefer… honestly, I prioritize the playerlist. A good playerlist makes for a good game.

Between rolemadness and vanilla/standard, I think I prefer standard. I do find rolemadness setups incredibly fun, but I’m not very good at mechanics (though I’m getting better), and I love mountainous. That said, I enjoy rolemadness too, and would play both types of games for the sake of variety. The difference between which type I enjoy more is small enough for that.


Don’t pretend you don’t know why I’m hfkdkekdjrkemkcnfing.

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I’m trying to remember which games here I’ve enjoyed the most, and funnily enough, I think there are more role madness games than mountainous-type games. But it’s mostly because we have much more rolemadness than vanilla.

I think I mostly prefer standard because wolves can’t use mechanics as a distraction, and that happens a lot with rolemadness setups here. I’m sure it’s going to keep happening unless we collectively learn how to ignore it when it matters the most.

On it, chief. I love making those.
The only problem is getting them approved quickly…

I know am late but.


Simply because I find it more fun to have a mech around on-top of just simply reads and cause some how VT is my least favorite role everywhere but my homesite in which is is my favorite.

Also why you won’t see me join a Vanillia/Standard game unless forced to.

But do agree player list has a big impact in enjoyment of a setup and has multiple times before made it broken a game for me before.

I couldn’t take reading tests in kindergarten because my teacher says I wasn’t a good enough reader

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It sounds like cit is your favorite but you don’t mesh with other sites’ playstyles as well

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I mean you still aren’t a good reader

Just not in the way she probably meant


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Wow I see how it is


I read you well enough in Hydra JK 9

a broken clock is right twice a day

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(to be 100% clear, that was a solid read eventually and I’m only downplaying it as a joke - but I will remind you that this was off the back of townreading Italia super hard and hero shooting two town in 30 seconds, so I think the joke is fair)