Weekly Monday Discussion #4

I believe you can change it to another title, and change it back if you so choose?
To be honest, I can’t quite remember. It’s been a while.

Just remember when I changed Italys title from “Community Guide” to “Community Knight” :wink:

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You cannot change back to a custom title. You can always switch to one of the default titles

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I will consent.

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I enjoy my title but I do agree with the concerns brought up.

I don’t think losing a title is really a big price for me to pay.

But yea
Changing titles just for dumb memes noone will understand is boring
Changing kat’s title is fun

If people currently have a custom title and want to keep it, they are free to keep it. I will not force anyone to remove their title.

I will talk with the other mods about changing how and why we give out titles, but I do believe they should be earned, or paid for.

Feel free to change your own title to something reasonable, you hypocrite :stuck_out_tongue:

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“Moderator” has historically been apt grounds for a custom title

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i feel like every mod has changed my title a few times

its kinda amusing

it doesn’t effect me whether or not i keep it

if there’s an official stance on how titles will or will not be given out im happy not having a custom one unless its earned

with that said i can just pretend that i’ve earned it by being a Community Guide™️ :^)

I mean yeah

all active mods have a custom title

I think they have earned it, with their contribution to the community being, well, moderating it

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Maybe Regulars (level 3) should be allowed to have custom titles?

You made me log in just to say that you can wipe my title all you want.

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Most mods have a standard title
But i guess you mean fol mods

you already dm’d me


We can talk about it.

Also this isn’t me saying no, its me saying “its 11pm and i dont have the brainpower to make decisions at the moment”

Everyone is allowed to pitch in ideas

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Is level 3 even achievable though by normal means anymore

make me mod

give me the forums

You must compliment me 5 times in the next week, or have your title, and account, removed forever

No, you have to have a moderator grant it to you.

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