Weekly Monday Discussion #4

As theres 100 days in a month

Level 3 is granted to help hosting perms with PMs, edit restriction and other things.
Thatā€™s why I was given it, anyway.

Iā€™m not even sure if it does help. I hope it does.

Level 3 doesnt even affect the number of pms. Reason I got it. Didnt help

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Also, should I go to Xblade about a hosting group

like on m451?

I donā€™t really see that much of a reason for it

unless like specific things only people with the ā€œhostingā€ group can do

which I donā€™t really see the need for because a lot of people end up hosting or cohosting games anyways

Iā€™ve done research, and talked to the other mods, about creating a hosting group.

Itā€™s unfortunately not possible on discourse to give groups specific permissions such as locking your own thread.
Itā€™s basically all-or-nothing. Itā€™s giving a player permission to edit all posts, lock all threads, and pin all threads, or none of these.

Discourse is extremely lame in this aspect. Itā€™s not as customizable as it seems.
I have been trying to find a plugin that allows for this grouping but have yet to find anything that isnā€™t extremely sketchy and unreliable.

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Yeah, thatā€™s why I suggest it
ABility to lock threads
Ability to unlock threads

I donā€™t think allowing people to lock all threads + unlock all threads is nessecarily a massive security risk with logging; itā€™s reversable unless you mean itā€™s bundled with other perms so to enable locking threads you have to also enable deletion of posts and stuff

it would be great

if we could all lock threads

but that just

would not end up working

(and if we can all type through threadlock it loses itā€™s purpose)

we all know ā€œlocking own thread super goodā€ but have not found a way to actually do that

Itā€™s a lot of power.

But I do trust that a lot of people wouldnā€™t abuse it or play back-seat moderator.

Like if I got Level 4 for hosting purposes the only threads I would lock are my own games.

Tbh I may take it up as a side-gig to attempt to create a plugin like this, but I still cannot guarantee a hosting group will be a thing. I donā€™t want to get hopes up.

Unfortunately that isnā€™t up to us. The forum is run and owned by a company, and we canā€™t make extreme decisions like this.

I will attempt, but once again, I cannot guarantee.


I think it is very very unlikely that Xblade would agree to ā€˜letā€™s give a bunch of random unvetted forum people TL4ā€™ even if those people are in fact completely responsible


Would giving community guides abilities to lock/unlock threads be bad
Because the main issue with it is that all moderators are in the same timezone

I wish we could just

lock and unlock our own thread

that solves

almost all of the problems that exist with thread locking

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Kyo do you have a spare bedroom?

Iā€™ve always wanted to live in scotland

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What about Forum Veterans?

Potentially reasonable solutions

  • Chloe moves to Scotland
  • A new moderator in EU/Asia timezone comes along
  • Community Guides are given lock/unlock permissions

Are any of these reasonable


This is a reasonable solution