Weekly Monday Discussion #4

“Vulgard’s posts were not written by a villager” is a fine read and good for laying your thought process and for pressure.

But if you are trying to seriously lynch that player “Vulgard’s posts were not written by a villager” simply won’t be able to cut it.

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i posted it

5 seconds later


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if we did that do you think it would be best to have it be ‘Best Team Player [town]’ and ‘Best Team Player [scum],’ or would it be better if it were just one?

also this is kind of not great for neuts

it’s almost like people having contrasting opinions might have a valid reason to think them if you’re willing to sit down and think about it :wink:

this probably sounds like a backhanded insult but its not supposed to be one


I remembered an old discussion, when a former mod generation tried to implement this, and there were a lot of reasons against it

how do u give scum MVP if town played bad

‘Best Team Player [Town]’ and ‘Best Scum’ could work (with neuts counting as scum) :thinking:

I mean

I do not care about awarding neuts in all honesty

with MVPS it would be the same (oh there were 2 neuts, different win conditions, 1 got strongmanned n1 and the other was yeeted d2, uh lets give it to the 2nd :man_shrugging:)

and we do not need to Include neuts in our setups really give netus a pat on the back for their play tbh

I mean I don’t think we should have a separate neut award

I’m no sheep
And I can actually be useful if I want to :wink:
but only if, lul

one neut spawns

Best Neut Award: [neut]


If we are going to create Town MVP and Scum MVP there could be… a criteria of which we evaluate different aspects of their play IMO. For example, a Town evaluation sheet could look like this:

How accurate was this player’s reads?
How well did this player do at presenting themselves as a villager?
How well did this player justify their reads and convince others when making a case?

This sorta thing.

neuts aren’t eligible for team player awards

I don’t think they need to, this isn’t about rewardng people for playing well, it’s rewarding people for teamwork. Neuts can’t really do that unless it’s a 3p team. And I think it’s okay if they are disqualified from best team player awards. It’s not about that.


katze take

neuts shouldn’t be disqualified from rewards

but they shouldn’t get rewards tailored to them

if, say, a Scorned were to essentially powerwolf town to a loss while the scumteam just kinda afked

why shouldn’t that be recognized?

obviously certain rewards don’t work but some prob can?

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I dont think your alignment is important for if you are a teamplayer or not


was not a dingus head jerk


actually tried re evaling


used VCA or NKA

Poll: Should we create awards to recognize people who were good team players?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

If you voted yes - should there be two separate awards? (One for Best Town Team Player, and one for Best Scum Team Player) Or should it be a single award?

  • Two separate awards
  • One single award
  • Other (specify in a reply)

0 voters

Maybe anti-BD neuts (like Fool/Sellsword) should be exempt.

if a scorned carries town (fol-whichever-one-geyde-was-scorned-in) why not give them best townie :^)

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if it’s a teamwork award and a teamwork award only

then you shouldn’t be recongnized. This is strictly from that stance. You should be rightfully congradulated for your play, but letting neuts in teamwork awards does not fit, because they are, well, neut!