Weekly Monday Discussion #4

i can agree with this most of the time

although chancellor can kind of work with wolves privately

and crusader can just become a wolf

but yeah

im being a smartass now

Being a teamplayer has nothing to do with your alignment
Change my view

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Scum know who they are and will almost always get best team player because they have a private chat to coordinate

it kinda does, but it really depends on the role.

PKR for instance huge team player in fol 29. Wouldnt consider the same for the NK

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MVP awards


I jokingly argued I was MVP of both town and scum in FoL 25 because I solved the game for town (town MVP) and killed more town than anyone else (scum MVP)

but we arenā€™t talking about MVP awards, we are talking about teamwork awards.

Town Criteria

How accurate were the playerā€™s reads? Did they re-evaluate upon incorrect reads?
How well did the player present themselves as a villager?
How well did the player do when convincing other people about their conclusions - and when casing someone?
How well did the player use VCA or NKA to back up their reads?
Did the player maintain a good and healthy attitude throughout the game?

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I sorta think a teamwork award makes more sense for town than scum in all honesty

like, sometimes as scum your partners are just ā€¦ not really present, and I feel like this would make people more frustrated if e.g. they wound up bussing their scum partners and solocarrying, because thatā€™s not really an example of teamplay but itā€™s also not their fault

Iā€™m explaining that really badly

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also this ^^^

which is why I think there should be 2 seperate awards per faction.

Encourage wolves to work with each other in scumchat and in game

and encourage townies to work with other people.


Neither of these are technically necessary and the VCA and NKA part should be taken out to say just how well did they back up their reads


VCA and NKA is inherently needed but it helps to cement reads, plus people should do it more, but thats just me

What has correctness of your reads to do with this? Isnt that just a normal mvp?


Next question:

Do we allow players to vote for themself?

Some examples of highly valued aspects were influence over the thread, player process, keeping calm during stressful points, the ability to reevaluate if necessary, directly advancing their teamā€™s wincon, the accuracy of reads (as town), planning and directing teammates (as mafia), and so many others.

copypasting this from the S7 jury statement, I think a lot of these are Decent Criteria To Use and many of them are related to Being A Team Player



depends it should probably be decided if its picked by host the players or both

I would never vote for anyone else

I have a problem


also please ignore my vote in Chloeā€™s poll, I forgot that mods werenā€™t voting :^)


Likeā€¦ reading correctly is kinda necessary if you wanna winā€¦?

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Iā€™m talking about townplay in general.

I mean I donā€™t really like this in all honesty

itā€™s def not a teamwork award, and it will still usually end up favoring the alices and will still still probably make people prioritize hero-playing

take a look at FoL27

I was trying to get votes for champs and I wanted to really tryhard that game to prove I could play town well

it effected my play

and it might effect others