What are you doing right now?

Omg Syndra’s name is sAhriii what a fucking legend.

Wait, who is he :thinking:

DiD yOu JuSt AsSuMe ThEiR gEnDeR?

Ok, sHe.


So who the freak is she.



Is Janna your main?



Yeah I didn’t expect you to play a champion that takes skill.

Janna takes skill ;-;


Janna takes skill and Yasuo mains are friendly.

What about Anivia?

One time I played against a Anivia and she had low health and my jungler thought it was a great idea to tower dive her while she had her passive.

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I was pissed until I remembered that I would do that too.

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What about Nasus?

And Nautilus?

Nasus can go full tank and still oneshot me.

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It’s the Q baby :slight_smile: