What if I created a generic 'Ask me Anything'

wow you are 100% the youngest on the forums.

huh i wouldn’t have pinged you as that.

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Is WazzaAzza not close?

He’s only beating Wazza by like a month.

I thought wazza was like 19?

So did I, until he mentioned being 13 a few months back.

He’s had his birthday, though, so he’s older than Kyo.

wow i am bad at reading age.

Everyone on the forums is 2-4 years older than me until proven otherwise

except Alice and Math who are inexplicably like 30 according to my brain


What age are you Arete?

Let me guess first:


19, my birthday was in September.

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i was close

Favourite TV series? I’m really liking this show called Reign right now. About Mary, Queen of Scots and Catherine de Medici.

It does have a bit too much romance though.

Sounds british

You are younger than I expected.
I would have thought you’d be in a profession closely related to your friend’s one of design.

It’s quite British and I am definitely one for monarchy and anything propaganda.

I’d say I’m more British than Scottish at this stage.
Not so pro-Scottish but pro-British.
I can hardly remember my own dialect.

you should try being american

Truly the best feeling. Patriotism and diabetes flowing through the veins.


Nope, I’m a sophomore in college. I’m vaguely curious why you were reading me as older.

Your vocabulary is of an extended range and you have close relations with professionals.
Furthermore you don’t appear confrontational unless nessecary.

Arete has maturity, something many of us lack.