As I said before, I’m always a lightningrod for n1 visits. Still doesn’t beat me naming myself PKR and then getting converted n1 and bussed d2.
LPT: Name yourself “PKR Flowchart.”
That MS paint is a pain in the butt.
My eyes.
You’re welcome!?
It was snipping tool actually
this is what we feel like when you don’t keep it clean Insanitu
Mercy me pls @_@
You named yourself not PKR
in a game where I named myself flowchart as a starting Cult
it was inevitable
The one time I get Maid in a 16 player game for the first time and was about to out the Cult Leader, but I got converted, so it’s like Well, shit
That play I am very proud of
Before last patch
Be me, Pretender
King accuses someone, claims Hunter
King says “pardon I do not wanna die”
I knew people were gonna pard so I tease the scared King
Use ballot mixing
evil god and wrong thread-ish
It poped up my feed somehow so lemme grr
Only me and Marl were forumers here but still
Claimed maid d1 that 6 and Marl were incompat, I disguised him as Sorc
We up Marl and I silence him and then he claims hunter and I’m like NOO IMMA BE OUTTED SCORNED
thankfully 6 was the last vote on him, so 6 got yeeted from Marl’s arrow
A couple of days later I frame the MM and he finally gets voted and exed and I get the win
Herbalist defiles 15 as an assassin or something, aand then GK got voted out for an unseen win
I saw you online after I won a game as Possessor