Where is Solic?

Oh, okay.

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 3

Oof, even worse.

panics for a brief moment

pretends to be a statue

There is no escape

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You Voldemort?

Oof I said the name.


@discobot Würfeln 1d20

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:game_die: 10

That works?

whats ur stealth mod

I hide behind you two :smiley:

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I’m wearing a dark notary suit :wink:

Well, I can’t roll on english, so I have to roll on german.

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imma assume high you pass and hide behind the other two and blend in with their shadows. Solic has no clue where you are

Where is Priestess thread? when

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You’ll never find me reeee

Magnus LV 20 AT 4750 DF 1400

What are these yugioh stats,

They’re mine.