Why Fool Is A Bad Class

Teach them about ww2. And the great memes that people made.

Is reaper relevant to fool in any way in the context of the OP?

I am a math teacher (not irl. I am just good at math)

Yeah it is.

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You shall not be invited in my christian Roblox server.

We are establishing that Reaper is not night immune and therefor a night immune fool is cleared to be not Reaper.

That doesn’t work. That means:

Fool-1 = Reaper


Reaper+1 = Fool

I am shooketh.

No u.


Also this thread makes me rethink my life decisions is studying hard even worth it? I am going to die anyway so whats the point on working harder for the future when in the future I am going to be dead as fuck.

Stuidying is good because it makes you do better in the time you are still alive. You’re eventual death is irrelevent because until that actually happens you still have suggestive experience to enjoy.

I was actually just joking but okay.

I never joke. :frowning:

Hahaha it’s funny because our lives don’t matter and free will is lie.

Free will is overrated.


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