Why is Prince unconvertable?

So we have all agreed that converting Prince is OP.

But did we ever actually establish why that is?

I mean, we used to say that converting Sheriff and Paladin was OP back in early beta/alpha but now it’s no big deal. Of course I’m not suggesting that we make Prince non-unique like what happened with Sheriff and Paladin or anything, I’m more saying that we could make Prince more in line with Mystic in terms of claiming.

We’ve tried stuff like this in FoL and it wasn’t as big a deal as it sounds. So why is this assumed?

Now of course specific converted versions of a convertible Prince would be BS, but the actual act of converting the Prince might not be.

Prince doesn’t have time to get hypnotized, they’re too busy putting rats into his dungeon. -The End


Because people wouldn’t claim in jail anymore seems a convential answer. Give us a proper converted version and then we could judge? :thinking:

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Mystic doesn’t have this problem

Illusionist also cannot link, so it really depends on the convert you’re proposing.

idk. Maybe a jail with the night chat function removed?

Then you literally confirmed he’s converted


meaning just the occupy and visit prevention

Mystic has that issue too

Except prince shouldn’t ever be convertible

I can’t really think of anything problems that don’t apply to the Mystic. And I can think of some that apply to the Mystic and not to the Prince


Prince is the strongest and most important BD class. Letting him get converted would leave him with all claims given to the unseen. It would also be really easy to find out the prince is converted. On top of all these, would he be able to jail people after being converted? No communication. He wouldn’t be able to jail? Will be found really soon and too op giving all the claims to the unseen. It just can’t work.

I think bd needs a class they can trust to stop it just being no one trusting anything. Having prince convertible leaves only the king as a trustworthy class, and they aren’t always bd.

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Doesn’t all of this apply to the Mystic?

Just nerf prince to not be occupy immune

Problem solved

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No, mystic is typically convert immune if king is good

Most does, which is why mystic is a bad conversion imo and also why I didn’t claim to mystic when mystic first got convertable.

Mystic was unconvertable at one point?

Mystic is a good convert class change my mind

Mindwarp is fun and then getting all claims is better

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