Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!


I didn’t make anything up

Your posts in homestuck were much more posting whatever’s on your mind, but your entrance here felt like more structured plus entered directly with content

Target Votes Voters
Surge 9/13 Vulgard, PokemonKidRyan, Apprentice, Thunal33, Luxy, Trochilidae, Appelsiini, Universal, ash4fun
Intensify 6/13 Intensify, Mist1422, deadbananas0, Leafia, Eevee, Yee-claw
Moleland 2/13 Surge, Centuries,
Light 1/13 Whysper
Leafia 1/13 Light
Whysper 1/13 Sulit
Geyde 1/13 Geyde
Yee-claw 1/13 RangerCecil
Mist1422 1/13 Wazza
Not Voting 2 Clonedcheese, an_gorta_pratai

(Ran out of meme ;-; )

If you get a chance before EoD, what’s your read on Wazza?

this interaction feels towny on wazza’s side, the frustration (though i’m not sure i understand if) feels genuine here and wazza from what i’ve seen tends to be a normally aggressive player as town

I’m blasting intensify first thing tomorrow if he doesn’t move his vote in his next post

@Intensify glgl

So you do believe in your post?

What the fuck are you on?

I do believe in my post

I don’t think you believe in my post

Because your post just isn’t true?

I’m posting what is on my mind in this game also like I do in every single one of my games no matter my alignment.

i’m going for dinner now, should hopefully be back before EoD!

I physically cannot post what isn’t on my mind, that’s not how the human body works.

that wasn’t the vibe i got from your entrance /shrug

it felt like a much more directed approach to PKR early

The difference between Homestuck and this game is I had a mechanical role so I acted differently based on my want to not die because my role seemed fun.

Because I was:
Posting what was on my mind, which is literally evident by the post itself existing as I posted my OPINION on a post which obviously comes from my mind.

+ppl in thread

Get on-wagon, or explain why everyone should move to someone else

the vibe i got is that you felt more pressured to post game thoughts, which you didn’t in homestuck that early on

geyde is eevee now

Cecil, I keep seeing myself slip lower in your lists, but I’ve never seen you comment on my before. Could you explain your read on me.

just got out of calc, going to grab dinner so I can be on at EoD

I likely vote surge, but I am still reading the thread

o wait sorry geyde
vc still goof’d

i really should have said this from the start

but idk words

uh, how tf did I feel pressured?

Literally no one apart from the host had pigned me.
No one had even mentioned me.
And I had just woken up and saw an opportunity to enter the thread.

You’re pulling at straws here.