Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

flip or looser ):<

I am heading out now, but we need to discuss our shots before they happen tomorrow, no hero shots

Also, please cease talking because Surge has been hammered :wink:

Must get in one final post, Marshalā€™s replying!

Ok cowboys, cowgirls, and cowpeople, now is about the time that you should be quiet.



(Also, who will handle the ITAs tomorrow)


End of Day votecount

Target Votes Voters
Surge 13/13 Vulgard, PokemonKidRyan, Apprentice, Thunal33, Luxy, Appelsiini, Universal, ash4fun, Moleland, an_gorta_pratai, Wazza, Light, deadbananas0
Intensify 3/13 Leafia, Eevee, Yee-claw
Moleland 2/13 Centuries, Mist1422
Light 1/13 Whysper
Whysper 1/13 Sulit
Yee-claw 1/13 RangerCecil
Mist1422 1/13 Surge
Not Voting 3 Intensify, Trochilidae, Clonedcheese

A consensus has been reached, and Surge shall be put to the noose. We will wait one minute before posting the flip so that we can be informed of any missed votes.


Heā€™s lying, we are just doing it for the anticipation factor


you arenā€™t supposed to tell them that



The Cowboys and Bandits all sat in the cave talking about what to do. They decided they would put the guns aside and try to talk it out. As they were discussing who could be a bandit and the next plan of action, people started to notice odd behavior from Surge. Really creepy stuff, like pretending to choke a lot of the other men there, or looking at his gun and then at other people and saying ā€œone day, one day my friendā€.

People started to take note if this and interrogated him on this strange behaviour. He profusely denied being a bandit, saying things such as, ā€œItā€™s not me! It canā€™t be me! What are you going to do? kill me? huh? Donā€™t do that, itā€™s not very nice.ā€ when suddenly, he just started laughing. He couldnā€™t contain himself, it was just too funny to him.

He apologized and said he didnā€™t know what got a hold of him, but it was far too late for Surge. One cowboy grabbed a rope and fashioned a makeshift lasso just in case Surge tried to make a break for it. They dragged him to a small ledge and took away all of his weapons. As he was being disarmed, a folded sheet of paper slipped out of his pocket. He tried to grab at it but it was snatched up by a Cowboy, who read it aloud for all to hear.

In a panic, he shouted: ā€œTHAT WAS MY FRIENDā€™S, I SWEAR, I DONā€™T EVEN KNOW HOW IT GOT THERE!ā€.

But before he could continue, the cowboy with the lasso swung it and wrapped it tight around surgeā€™s neck. ā€œIn this cave, without the presence of the law, we have to make our own. Surge, you have been sentenced to death by hanging for thievery, arson, and attempted murder. Any last words?ā€

Surge dropped down to his knees, crying. ā€œI was so close with my plan! The other bandits were going to help me out too, we were going to be rich! Curse you step 3, why must you be so difficult?!ā€

The lasso-wielding cowboy pushed surge off of the ledge, with the loop rope around his neck and the other end firmly in his hand. Surge let out some sort of sound with his final breaths. It sounded like crying, or maybeā€¦ laughter? Either way, it deeply disturbed the other people in the cave.

As the sun set, the already dark cave went pitch black. The cowboys and bandits alike slept, dreaming of the horrors they had witnessed that day, and the frightening reality of what was to come.

Surge has been hung! He wasā€¦

Mafia Bandit

Your only abilities are your vote, your voice, and your trusty gun.

Gain parity with the town

Day 1 has ended. Night 1 begins and ends in 12 hours at 2020-08-27T13:00:00Z

Flavor credit goes to the very handsome marshal



This topic was automatically opened after 10 hours.

The day has not started yet. Do not speak or everyone will laugh at you for forgetting when SoD is

Night ends in one hour.


/spectate pls :upside_down_face:




definitely didnā€™t forget


flavor later (probably)

RangerCecil has died! They were aā€¦

Town Cowboy

Your only abilities are your vote, your voice, and your trusty gun.

Rid the town of all bandits

Day two has started and will end at 2020-08-29T01:15:00Z

Well, hello to you both too. First of all, Thunal33 does not make sense with what they say. If they early scumread me and then nullread me, then that means it is an improvement from before, so wanting to kill me is quite damn weird. But this is just a smaller note.

As for me disappearing, I was having fun. I already said my reads, I explained ones people wanted explaining and I was on the vote I was most confident on. I was around until likeā€¦ 15 mins before EoD tbh but did not have any reason to post anything.

I mean, what would you want from me? ā€œI am happy with the wagonā€? Like, it was obvious I was anyway since I placed my vote early on and did not truly consider moving it at all.

Also, now that Seth flipped scum like a few of us suspected early on, I would love to know what you think about me now.

I think a big thing we need to consider here is the trio of Leafia, yee-claw and Moleland.

This feels very performative. It is definitely not a self preservation vote so we cannot consider that bit so I think that it could easily be Seth trying to distance himself from Leafia. To further this, look at the EoD VC, Leafia was not voting Seth.

On the other hand this is why I say we need to consider Moleland. This reeks of being fake and the worst thing is, if you look at the replies, guess who follows Seth? Leafia does.

My yee-claw suspicion mostly comes from the fact that yee-claw and Seth seemed too close. Yee-claw voted for Moleland early on when Mole was a viable wagon against Seth lynch, refused to vote Seth and was instead on the counter-wagon of Intensify at EoD. Yet alone the fact that earlier in the day myself and multiple other people felt similarly that yee-claw was suspicious

The only reason I do not particularly suspect Eevee is because other than that I do not see much on the slot to go off.

There is a very high chance at least one of these 3 flips scum, if not multiple. I would say Moleland is the least suspicious of them though.

Since Seth was an early wagon, it is hard to really know what was staged theatre by himself and what was him genuinely trying to survive and act like he was contributing to help.

Finally I would like to ask @Leafia2 how you feel now that your top town flipped as scum. Do feel free to tell us ^^

Also told ya Ranger was town.

ITAs will be enabled in one hour

/vote Leafia

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