Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

an EoD yeet is far more certain of a death than an ITA however but i see your point

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alright thank yā€™all that makes sense and i now have another term to add to my growing dictionary

Iā€™m going through everyoneā€™s ISO right now to look for my reads on everyone.

ok, this is a bit offtopic, but I just want some help improving I guess

why does Vul get widely townread for this being his entire case on Seth (not disagreeing just asking)

and then I get scumread for thoroughly explaining my thoughts on Seth and why his posts are scummy

Like, how do I avoid getting scumread for pushing my wolfreads when theyā€™re correct

What I am concerned is how derailed the discussion became. We went from having a PoE of three players: Light, Mole, and Intensify. Yet for some reason people began shooting randomly. Taking these so-called hero shots.



Also Iā€™m in a clearer mind.

@Mistyx I want to apologise for insulting you yesterday.

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apology accepted


this is exactly what iā€™d like to know! detailing the thread like this only serves to help scum as a chaotic thread is far easier for wolves to hide and coast in

When was Light ever in the PoE what

I also need to continue reading the ISOs of people. I remember yesterday I couldnā€™t finish due to the post amount being huge and some players not even being visible. Which again, if we want more content I think its time we begin analyzing these low-posting players.

We should also revisit Rangerā€™s list again.

Sometimes mafia players will want to lay low during the entry into the game. Making it harder for a case to be built against them early game. Its also done to give them time to gauge just how much the town knows as they get more comfortable with the game state.

rangerā€™s legacy as seen here

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I know some low posting players may be busy with real-life stuff, but we really need you guys to step up. You continuing to lowpost will just make town create an incomplete picture of the game. I especially know some of you are very talented.


Intensify does seem to be on most lists, so maybe heā€™s the next best shot?

I think the fact that itā€™s explicit legacy actually makes it less likely to be accurate

cheese is dead

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I am embarrassed.

iā€™m leaning towards a mole shot honestly, and if anyone is uncomfortable with this please say so

(I am so sorry Cheese for that useless ping. I didnā€™t mean to. I forgot.)

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