Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

Y’know what? I found my old DS the other day
I might just go play through Pokemon Platinum again


i have a lab now, will be back later!

guys guys guys it’s happening

good stuffs

god I have 337 hours on this account

Yeah, also. In this case the people who voted least would be the most suspicious ones.

wow 337 hours and I still don’t have a bunch of maxed pokemon what a loser

Oh I know why
I traded all my good pokemon to Pokemon SoulSilver

God there’s so much dust on all of this

didn’t pkr like call me out for lying about his vote having no reason then after i argued back he started taking an entirely different line of argument with me

light once you’re bored with platinum can you read over the me/PKR interactions from just now

I have too many memories I can’t delete my old save

This should never happen

I just… I am paranoid. Not arguing false pretences like you did

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There was so much content in Platinum
remake them please I would pay thousands

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They didn’t remake gen4 because gen4 was already perfect

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they actually called them the ultimate pokemon games

your interactions from now or from yesterday?

Now, I assume. Since she did say “from just now”

from now yeah