Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

i personally think you’re fine dw

well that’s comforting.
i’d like someone’s opinion on my theory though. how easily could an emotional reaction be fake? i’m not saying being collected is AI either way, just had a somewhat related thought on the matter.

It can be faked. If it works or not depends on your personal bluffing skills.

@Wazza when you see this, I’d like to hear your opinions about the following people:

  • Intensify
  • Luxy
  • Apprentice
  • Chili
  • Thunal

.uhhhhh… what?

I was doing this did u miss my posts on how I didnt like the PoE

Here’s what I want to do today. I want to make a read on App/Centuries/Ash today as my first priorities. App is a known busser and I haven’t seen much from them and I got scum pings from them reading the thread initially, Centuries is someone I think is scummy for several reasons, and Ash I simply don’t remember


Sorry, glasses were blurry, couldn’t see anything.

Please don’t angleshoot this as I didn’t even have anyone’s class card :^)

Reading appels iso on wazza and this caught my eye

This looks like probably TMI

not 100% clearing but I’ll

/unvote @Italy
(because I think I’m on them rn)

Actually nvm this feels like a case of “partner is the second strongest SR”

/vote Intensify again

still reading up, at #4587

Target Votes Voters
an_gorta_pratai 2/9 Centuries, Light
Intensify 2/9 Vulgard, Wazza,
Apprentice 1/9 Appelsiini
Wazza 1/9 Ash4fun
Not Voting 10 Trochidillae, an_gorta_pratai, Intensify, Universal, Thunal33, Sulit, Whysper, eevee, Apprentice, Luxy

ITA list

ITA’ed ITA user Result
Leafia Light, Luxy Miss, Hit!
Deadbananas0 Yee-Claw Hit!
ClonedCheese Applesiini Hit!
Mist1422 PokemonKidRyan Hit!
Moleland Universal, Thunal33, Trochilidae, Centuries Miss, Miss, Miss, Hit!
Yee-Claw Deadbananas0, Ash4fun, Apprentice, An_Gorta_pratai Miss, Miss, Miss, Hit!
PokemonKidRyan Vulgard, Whysper Miss, Hit!
Intensify Mist1422, Sulit Miss, Miss!
Not yet ITA’ed Eevee, Intensify

(Ping me if I make any mistake)

(Wait, why is there 18 people in the voting section)

(Hold on a sec)

(Whew, better)

(Wait, there is one extra guy, what)

(Peace has finally been made)

Ash - my rolecard sayz so :^)

Luxy - Has generally been making and pushing reads. Not unfakable but p good townplay if town

Wazza - idk this one’s hard

Gorta - not really outside townmeta

Intensify - Scummy interactions with scum, but otherwise a pretty pure tone that I lowkey TR

Sulit - Not a lot to go on, seems interested in the game and not obviously agenda-driven

Whysper - Actual TR, They feel super pure, same as SFoL63. I can see their headspace.

Eevee - idk it’d take some bold scum to just refuse to give reads like that

Appel - Also actual TR, Super towny progressions, thought process super clear

Apprentice - idk Town explanation makes just as much sense as scum explanation. And I have trouble thinking of them as “on a scumteam”


You are aware that these are the sort of posts that get you killed as town?

You may call it hunting deepwolves, but from here it looks like dripping agenda.


/vote Wazza @Italy @Insanity @Marshal

bc they make less sense as town than intensify

Will probably iso once I’m done catching up (#4632)

Alright, updated.

you don’t seem to read my posts

the only reason that’s there is because i did a thought exercise called “reasons why everyone is scum”

i don’t really have a good grasp on this game whatsoever and it bothers me
idk if i even believe my own poe
everyone is mafia

Reading up on Apprentice:

App defends mole

I want people’s opinions here. If we are assuming that App bussed Seth then why defend Mole? I suppose this could have been planned to get Mole into more townreads, but how far does App usually bus?

Posts like this look terrible in my opinion. Cecil was pretty towny and trying to discredit towny people + defending Mole just doesn’t sit right with me.

But the frustration seems very genuine and I can’t say if it’s towny of scummy.

Was App really that major in executing Seth? I don’t quite recall them pushing Seth that much other than Surge = bad Mole = good

Again I don’t know how to read the frustration here

I am keeping this around in case App is a wolf, but I don’t know

These posts also confuse the hell out of me. I know this is hedgey, but I could see this from either alignment. The part that will solidify my read here is depending on how bussy App is. Like this kind of play either comes from a frustrated townie wanting out or a wolf that was caught and is trying to salvage things.

I think I am biased, but I have been in this situation as town and it plain sucks. Maybe this is why I am so conflicted on this play, but I never asked for death.

This post seems kind of towny in my opinion based on tone and reasoning

This post also seems towny, but I don’t know at this point.This could be WiFoM for all we know, but I kind of town read some of these later posts based on tone.

I have to say this is almost always true (don’t hero shot though)

I honestly don’t know. If App only semi busses for cred then I would say this is a possible wolf, but if App hard busses then I honestly think this has a high chance of town. I need other opinions on these posts, but I slap a null read on this until I get some questions answered.

but when i did my thought exercises things seemed to make some semblance of sense so maybe i should just go with what i’ve established

Yeah but that wasn’t a reason