Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

well, regardless, progression looks really awful
there is a distinct moment when you just flip on him for no reason visible in the main thread

It was before.

reminder that she says that she changed her mind

but the post about moleland being a meh shot is on day 2
not only that, sheā€™s providing cloned as an alternative to mole

and then she grouped mole with yee-claw even after flipping on him

reminder that both yee-claw and cloned flipped villa

go to sleep
get suspected

Happens every game.

itā€™s like sheā€™s leaning into killing him but not before she can get multiple villagers killed

If it was that easy for me to shoot a villager based on my reads, why wouldnā€™t I?

Thatā€™s more indicative of me being town actually. I kind of just realized Mole was scummy and looked through his ISO. Itā€™s town making connections, not scum pivoting for no reason. I show my work as scum.

i need more voices in the thread but yeah this just looks awful
especially the fact she kept providing alternatives for a shot on mole

she flipped on mole and yet kept providing alternatives to shooting him, grouping him with flipped villagers who indeed got shot in itas

iā€™m not going to thunal tunnel this but yeah
you are banished from the town circle and you are not coming back

Sorry Thunal, as much as I love your pfp, I did have to do it to ya :frowning:

Apprentice and Thunal works as a scumteam too

come to think of it, universalā€™s push and read being seemingly independent are a good look for him
it was also consistent
thunal/universal not w/w. thunalā€™s iso suggests the bus on mole was planned d2, not d1 (if sheā€™s a wolf)
universalā€™s would suggest the opposite if heā€™s a wolf (although it could still be distancing)

i feel like this read is really, really dumb but whatever iā€™m starved

Why would I bother shooting Mole then if I could so easily shoot an alternative?

Not to mention Apprentice has not engaged with, analysed or even talked to Thunal once this entire game

Itā€™s called thunneling.

/vote Apprentice



I will get up&shower,etc and then start not-lurking :D

But I donā€™t bus!
Okay, I bus sometimes. But I honestly donā€™t think I would in this situation as scum since it was so easy to shoot a townie.