Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

When in doubt, APPEAL TO EMOTION
But I assume that means you have no objections to this shot?

/request vote count :^)


Actually seriously speaking thoā€¦


Your post misses one thing I was searching for.
Who did Wazza shoot?

I donā€™t. Wazzaā€™s in my PoE and I dislike how defensive heā€™s been the entire game without actually having conviction heā€™s town. Iā€™d expect him to be more convinced Mist was wrong rather than being convinced Mistā€™s reasons are wrong.

PKR, missed

He shot PKR, and missed.
(Please pretend you didnā€™t see anything)

Iā€™m quicker than you, make me a host you nerd

Mr. Hostman
Make me a host
Give me that towncred
and let me coast

/vote Wazza @Insanity

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Also, this is not sailor moon >:(

Is that Sailor Moon?

Iā€™m joking please donā€™t kill me

Calling Seth TWTBW seems almost like TMI here. I didnā€™t think Seth was TWTBW at any point, I was just concerned about how his wagon built early on. ā€œGiving him a chanceā€ doesnā€™t feel quite right either.

Actually, Intensify holding his shot is going against what the towncore did (almost everyone shot) and his shot will draw a lot of attention. I think him holding his shot is slightly towny for this reason. Overall I have mixed feelings on Intensify.

Right now where Iā€™m at,

Intensify fits really easily into scum and town explanations for their play.


What are your thoughts on wazza and Apprentice?

Why shouldnā€™t we execute/shoot them?

I never said donā€™t kill App/Wazza? I was literally planning to shoot Wazza.
That being said, I have objections against killing App, he wants to die, so meh just kill him.
Wazza is wierd. I original was reading them as town before due to tone, and the fact that they reminded me of their past town games. However, now they want me to shoot them to prove a point which is likeā€¦ ehhh like why? I have suspicions theyā€™re scum that thinks I wonā€™t shoot them.

I have no objections*

I am very good at grammer

So this was something of a perspective test.

ik youā€™ve harddefended scumbuddies in the past (re: joat^2). And I think you answered how I would expect for town.

At least I think Iā€™m comfortable as having you more-or-less not w/w with them

this is my first ā€œloaded questionā€ RT so it might just be bad vulgard pls help but I think itā€™s okay maybe

) : <
I donā€™t like RTs reeeee
Except when I do them

Heading to bed. Just in case I donā€™t get back before EoD, Iā€™ll place my vote. Currently App seems the scummiest among the PoE.

/vote Apprentice @Marshal