Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!


First of all the Intensify wagon isnā€™t picking up which I feel has more scum equity than Apprentice. Personally I donā€™t know what the fuck Apprentice is doing but I wouldnā€™t mind him dying. @Intensify here is your shot.
Second of all, the reason I suspect Vulgard is the fact he keeps backtracking himself, first he talked about how he wanted Yee-Claw shot, then Yee-Claw dies and he doesnā€™t notice while reading back, Gorta tells him that he shot Yee-Claw and a moment later this starts making Vulgard suspect him for heavens knows what reason when itā€™s literally what Vulgard wanted.

While Vulgard may have done other town productive things, this is a major god damn red flag in my eyes, need I say more?

You make it hard to get annoyed at you. Hereā€™s your explanation on 2 of my reads for now, typing hurts rn so Iā€™ll be back in around 30 minutes, I may have underestimated the cut.

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Okay nvm

I was gonna suggest hero shooting because lol!toneread but nah

Fine Iā€™m shooting App. If App flips town, just write some flavor about me jumping off a cliff after deciding to shoot a normal cowboy instead of the suicidal one.

/shoot App
@Marshal @Italy

The only person I think I would heroshoot is L1ght.


(also we have an APPrentice and an APPelsiini so when voting / shooting can you make that slightly more clear. Shot missed anyways but this is just a note for the future)


Oh thank godā€¦
I mean I guess this is a decent outcome.

(gonna quickly apologise for being toxic, this cut just hurts badly and itā€™s in British nature to be in a bad mood when youā€™re in pain)

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My Canadian blood forces me to say sorry if Iā€™m in pain


I wanted to do an ISO on Apprentice last night so this is my ISO.

Something that bothered me with the quote and the ones that came before it is how strong the tone was. He was very confident in his read on Surge, which apparently it isnā€™t hard to read Surge based off meta, but now he is just quiet. Its a complete 180 from what he is right now.

Also, I kinda donā€™t like how defensive he was about PKRā€™s paranoia. I personally know how paranoid PKR can be, and I also get the same thoughts when too many people agree on a read with me. That is the reason why I didnā€™t want to 100% scumread PKR and read through their ISO to get a handle on his thought progression. This just seems to be like someone who doesnā€™t want to get suspected about following townā€™s progression so easily as PKR was beginning to have second thoughts on how quickly things escalated.

Again, he comes off as a strong player with his tone and continues to be really defensive to PKRā€™s doubts. I think at this stage he was the only one acting this aggressive about it.

He also seems to based his reads a lot on what Vulgard said. Not going to really put a lot of emphasis on this since I also did the same at the beginning when I havenā€™t read the thread entirely.

He has light interaction with mole early on and tries to defend him as being good. Using information he has on the type of meta Mole usually goes by as mafia. I actually feel like this is some W/W interaction. Mafia busses Surge for towncred while trying to clear mole lightly at first.

Reading these two posts, it feels like mafia decided to bus Surge early on if Apprentice is a W/W. Meaning that one of the major propagators for the Surge lynch was the mafia themselves. If this comes out to be true, that means we shouldnā€™t put any value on who voted for Surge, but more who pushed for Surge or even threw shade at them but never voted them.

I kinda like Apprenticeā€™s reads here. He basically doesnā€™t trust the information/actions Surge did get Mole clear, which would be something mafia would want to do if Surgeā€™s bus would not only give them credit, but also give Mole some hope.

Not sure if him still believing Mole is a town is genuine or he is just joking like the first part of this post. But he seems really adamant on defending Mole.

Apprentice tries to briefly defend Yee-Claw while throwing shade on Cecil on how their way of trying to disprove Yee-Claw is similar to Alice. This post just feels weird considering what we know now.

Also these posts:

He first tries to defend yee-claw softly, I mainly get that thought from the fact that he revealed where yee-claw is in his list as very ā€˜low end scumleanā€™ (I think that means that they were very close to NULL but not quite due to some stuff) and then saying that yee-claws actions actually come from town. He then says how this isnā€™t a defense as he quite literally defends yee-claw and tries to disprove Cecilā€™s reads based on site meta and history of very bad PoEs. Which, to me at least, is a bit shaddy? It just feels weird how Apprentice is so against the PoE the thread made up to that point.

Mist also picks up on the inconsistency and Apprentice rebuttals them.

Then Mist replies on how Apprenticeā€™s entire post was defending Yee by stating how Cecilā€™s points were not accurate. This is Apprenticeā€™s reply to Mist. Again, very aggressive tone and tries to justify their defense by saying how Cecilā€™s points in general just didnā€™t state how Yee is mafia, just tried to discredit them. Which I can see why he would mount such a big defense over Yee, just donā€™t like how he tried to hide it at first. Or maybe he didnā€™t realize it?

Apprentice tries to defend Mole again.

Doesnā€™t flip but realizes Centuriesā€™ points on mole.

Another weird post.

He goes on to say Cecil should never endgame. Going as far as to recommend a shot on Cecil D2.

This entire list of post was Apprentice essentially getting angry at not being credited for Surgeā€™s wagon, and stating how he just plans to quit now. This honestly comes to me as mafia who has given up from claiming credit and the game overall since they are essentially the next person in line to die.

I also canā€™t say that I agree with Apprentice in him being a big part as to why Surge was voted off. From the looks of it, everyone who has played with Surge could tell he was mafia based off his first few posts. And Apprentice himself seemed to get very defensive when PKR felt like too many townies were agreeing too quickly.

And something I remember very well is how someone said that mafia tends to wagon Surge for towncredit since they are obviousmafia. Apprenticeā€™s want for towncred just doesnā€™t make sense if they were town. They wouldā€™ve known how a Surge mafia game is like, and if the information about mafia tending to bus Surge is true, Apprentice shouldā€™ve also known that he wasnā€™t going to get cleared just due to his vote on Surge.

/vote Apprentice @Marshal

This slot is just way too suspicious.


Target Votes Voters
an_gorta_pratai 2/9 Centuries, Light
Intensify 1/9 Wazza
Apprentice 5/9 Appelsiini, Vulgard, Luxy, Whysper, Universal
Wazza 2/9 Ash4fun, Thunal33
Not Voting 7 Trochidillae, an_gorta_pratai, Intensify, Thunal33, Sulit, eevee, Apprentice
ITAā€™ed ITA user Result
Leafia Light, Luxy Miss, Hit!
Deadbananas0 Yee-Claw Hit!
ClonedCheese Applesiini Hit!
Mist1422 PokemonKidRyan Hit!
Moleland Universal, Thunal33, Trochilidae, Centuries Miss, Miss, Miss, Hit!
Yee-Claw Deadbananas0, Ash4fun, Apprentice, An_Gorta_pratai Miss, Miss, Miss, Hit!
PokemonKidRyan Vulgard, Wazza, Whysper Miss, Miss, Hit!
Intensify Mist1422, Sulit Miss, Miss!
Apprentice Intensify Miss!
Not yet ITAā€™ed Eevee,

Because I donā€™t actually scumread Intensify, I just didnā€™t like his read on Seth. Overall I have him null.

That does feel like a ā€œgive me towncredā€ strategy, but it kind of fell apart when he was frustrated he was in the PoE. Unfortunately I could see that coming from either town or wolf. You already said the Apprentice is wolf world, so hereā€™s the Apprentice is town world: Apprentice is town who was frustrated that people were suspecting him despite the fact he thinks he should be cleared, so he just decided it would be best for him to die instead of having town spend lots of time figuring out his slot. I actually think that world is just a little more likely.

I am having the lazy.

Could someone kick me and tell me to iso app?

I forgot Eevee existed by the way. Intensifyā€™s willingness to change his target so easily makes it clear he is never W/W with them, and his unsure reaction to the shot missing feels like V!Intensify

Ash, ISO App now. Right now. Do it you lazy bean.

If you donā€™t think intensify or app is scum,

Who do you think the scumteam is?

or at least what group do you think theyā€™re in?