Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

I’m fine with this

prolly kill app tmrw


please flip scum Intensify

rand inc

oh rip Cent

App fucking vote Intensify

Day is over. Please be quiet.


Target Votes Voters
Apprentice 5/9 Whysper, Universal, Apprentice, Sulit, Light
Intensify 6/9 Wazza, Thunal33, Appelsiini, Luxy, ash4fun, Centuries
sulit 1/9 Vulgard
Not Voting 4 Trochidillae, an_gorta_pratai, Intensify, eevee

tell us if we missed any votes or forever hold Intensify’s peace

@discobot am I cool?

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

i think that’s a no

@discobot fortune is marshal cool

@discobot fortune

Am I cool?

:crystal_ball: As I see it, yes


I will take this silence as intensify dying. Flip + flavor incoming.

As the sun began to set, the cave seemed to be a lot larger. The fact of the matter was that the cave did not increase in size but the population of the area thinned drastically. At first, the bodies were piled in a small hole in the rock but as bullets began to fly it just became too much to handle. Every person was at least partially covered in blood. Bullet casings riddled the floor and the walls were peppered with indents where missed bullets traveled.

The cowboys and bandits gathered in a circle, shoving the bodies outside. Gloomy and drenched in blood, they talked about the previous day’s events. The topic of Surge’s “Evil Bandit Murder Plan” was passed around a bit.

One tall cowboy questioned the group, saying, “So what? That was their endgame? Just to start a farm and kill the competition?”

“Might have just been a Surge thing.” Another much shorter cowboy said, shrugging. “Dude was pretty weird anyway.”

They went back and forth for a little while. “Nah, when they went after my cattle there were multiple bandits, there had to be a coordinated effort.”

“I suppose so. It’s disgusting anyways. There’s not only no honor in doing such terrible deeds, but it poses a threat to us and our livelihoods.”

“Oh absolutely. We have to kill them before they kill us in a fire or just starve us by stealing our income.”

A timid voice quietly interjected. “I don’t think it’s that bad.”

“What did you just say?!” the tall cowboy questioned.

“I don’t think it’s that bad. After all, they want to be farmers like us, right?”

The group began to stare at him. The short cowboy started cracking their knuckles while menacingly glaring at Intensify.

“Ok ok ok! Fine, just forget I said anything!”

But the group did not forget his words. The tall cowboy, short cowboy, and the rest of the group collapsed upon Intensify, aiming to restrain. One of the group members grabbed the now bloodied lasso in an attempt to tie up Intensify’s hands. They used their expert lasso skills to get it around his body. Meanwhile, everyone else was in total chaos. Punches were thrown, mostly in Intensify’s direction, and everyone was trying to hold him down in the chaos. The lasso-weilding cowboy pulled tight, trying to get him away from the group.

As they pulled on the rope, you could hear words escape from Intensify’s mouth.

“Please! I’m a simple COWBOY! I just want to do some work to feed my family? Is that so bad?”

Finally, the lasso-wielding cowboy pulled Intensify away from the group. But, to their horror, the rope was situated firmly around their neck, and there was no sign of breathing.

They checked the coatpocket of Intensify and found a picture of him and his family

Intensify was…

Town cowboy

Night 1 begins and ends in 12 hours.


because marshal is a nerd that’s 2020-08-29T13:25:00Z for people actually wanting to be here for SoD


This topic was automatically opened after 10 hours.

The cowboys and bandits awaken to find luxy’s body on the ground. On the walls, written in his blood, are multiple ominous messages such as:

“The Bandits will rise.”

“One down, 10 to go”

“Marshal is a gamer”

“Now you lux-see him, now you dont”

Luxy has died! He was…

Town Cowboy

Day 1 begins and ends in 36 hours. ITA’s begin in 1 hour. With 14 players alive, majority is 8.


Okay so I was about to come in guns blazing and say the scumteam is

and luxy

but apparently that’s not completely right.

I still don’t like the first 3 but I need to read a little more ig