Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

if i accept ash, centuries, trochi, light, appel as town

this leaves me with gorta, wazza, uni, thunal, sulit, whysper, apprentice, eevee

i think eevee is town
is this winning?

I think light is probably the most likely misclear (not super likely but vaguely possible)
Uni is probably last one off that PoE

but yeah I think so

Vulgard, I will shoot you in like 24 hours, unless I fall asleep again.

If you are town, do your stuff.
If you are scumā€¦ do your stuff I guess.


PLEASE, donā€™t shoot the most obvious villager in the game

I didnā€™t ask for your opinion.

I didnā€™t ask for your gamethrowing :^)

okay maybe that was a bit rude but seriously donā€™t shoot vulgard

i have honestly already done my stuff

the reason i think light is town is because of strong meta
he tries too hard as scum, and here heā€™s just doing whatever he wants


Why are you accepting Light as town?


Ash, you are sure enough that Vulgard is town to acusse me for breaking rules?

We will take it to mod team post-game then.

gorta could be town because he seems to be solving, but thatā€™s fairly thin
wazzaā€¦ aggression, i guess? but thatā€™s not really ai
uni ā€“ tone? the fact he pushed mole for two straight days?
thunal - solviness i guess but i find her solving underwhelming
sulit - her posts are few but sheā€™s been evaluating stuff. to be fair itā€™s wolfy for her to dip in posting quantity as the game goes on, but the excuse she had might very well be true
whysper - tonally similar to her last town game, but it feels like sheā€™s playing in a way thatā€™s supposed to go utr. sheā€™s not really trying to solve, just existing.
apprentice - bruh that ate though.

eevee, when you have time can i ask for your case on vulgard?

i would like you point you to sfol 63, which is lightā€™s last wolf game
you donā€™t have to read the whole thing
you will quickly notice that heā€™s a lot more controlled there

eevee wanting to shoot me here is unfortunately town

he wonā€™t give you a case because that isnā€™t how he plays mafia

i understand deepwolf paranoia, but i TR Vulgard pretty strongly and iā€™d just like to see if thereā€™s more to the case here

And why would I care that your TR them?

Iā€™m not you and I donā€™t have to make same choices as you.


Do you think vulgard is scum?

well of course not and i canā€™t expect you to, iā€™m just curious as to why youā€™d like to shoot him