Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

i mean
it’s only natural for discobot to be wolfsided in a townsided setup
i say that while i cry

Vulgard, saying that your gameplay suck is not gonna convince anyone.
Instead, stop being bad and just justifying it.

… duh.

ignore that one time I got ITAd first try by ash as a wolf

“stop being bad”
it would be nice if you helped?

I already am by motivating you with my gun.

who still has a shot here?

we’re all kinda desperate here and you’re like “haha hee hoo imma shoot vulgard”

why did you all miss :frowning:

hi app can you please shoot wazza

Quickly RVS’s light before joining surge wagon–no solving or progression here.

Still no solving, leaves surge wagon. Nice optimal amount of distancing

Jumps back on surge wagon

…This is their first post about PKR.

Hella opportunistic

Also just sits on this wagon for the rest of the day

I’d say theyre just as wolf as app

inb4 wazza flips town too and that’ll be the 5th villager i killed, either directly or indirectly

To be fair, I wanted to shoot you yesterday before EoD but you went to sleep when I arrived.

uh probably won’t just yeet my shot at someone I’m not actively scumreading

you should have shot me

then who would you not have any objections about

I’d have to take time to reread people tbh

Im bored of you blaming yourself that you play terribly.

Post last will or something. You have 10 minutes.

okay then what am i supposed to do here
towncase myself?

i don’t know what you’re expecting from me at this point

They’re literally TMI-spewed town by mole

They’ve been solving the game

Their play is exactly like their towngame

They’ve done nothing scummy except be wrong

do you want me to go on?