Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

it’s mountainous which is implied vanilla if i’m correct

you click on someone’s profile and click the “posts in topic” button!

Click on someone’s profile picture, and “X posts in topic”

Click on a pfp
Click on “Messages in Topic”

) : <
ur not getting this cowboy birb

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I’ll be your partner

bUT you must give birb


You can also use the search bar next to the discord icon. It has a limit, but you can track someone’s posts by searching @username.

/vote Light

Your fluffposting is obnoxious and annoying at this point.

Stop it.

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Wazza! :slight_smile:

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bad timing to be happy about me showing up, bud

Is Surge Seththeking?

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light can i ask what the point of all this fluff is? if you’re trying to RT have you gained something from it yet?

Shame shrug still happy to see you, although I am required to ITA you tomorrow because you did something bad to me in the past few days even though I can’t remember what it was

It is not a reaction test… it is more a test of your patience and a bit of a memey time since it is very early game from my own interpretation of it.

I expect later into Day 1, Light will not do so.

I just ask you do not vote him for what he is doing as a policy lynch as those often backfire.

Absolutely no point to it
I’m just having a bit of fun.

That’s the point of these games, right?

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cough, killing you in SFoL63

Either way, please stop the fluffposting. It’s hard for me to read, especially when there’s 25 players. If you don’t I’ll be forced to place pressure on you tomorrow.

/vote Surge
I’m going to hop onto this wagon because I don’t have a better choice and I always scumread Seth.

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