Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

I feel bad Chili died, they did a very good job. I’m also kinda baffled Vul is still alive, but he’s Locktown Never Re-evaluate so I’m fine with it.

Also, I saw one post from Gorta that really felt like scum wanting town to skip their scummates and move onto towncore from PoE. I understand wanting to re-evaluate people when the PoE keeps flipping town, but I didn’t see them provide any reasoning as to why the rest of the PoE are town.

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But then again, I haven’t been paying attention in the slightest so I might’ve just not seen it.

Cecil was fine locking Light as town based on meta, so I’m also fine with it. If it’s a mistake, so be it, but I’m not going to look past it until everyone else in the PoE has been cleared.

Sorry gorta but
I’ll just
Go with the vibes

/shoot Whysper @Marshal

I want to shoot you but if you’re town I’d feel bad because you seem to be actually trying
Wazza is never a wolf for that stupid shot on Vul

Ash gets to be town for now, just for that readlist they made like D1
They’d be the next in line if I should choose one out of PoE
But it is what it is

You have to @Italy for ITA shots. I think Marshal is out at the moment

Also @Insanity and @CRichard564

No one has pinged poor CRich, I feel bad for him too
But not really because this game is whack

/shoot Whysper again @Italy

Uni and Whysper never W/W, never re-evaluating


These shots are rigged, change my mind.

blame the dice not the one who rolls them or something like that

I hate this game

@Vulgard do you want to shoot Gorta for me? If it’s you who shoots him I won’t feel as bad if he flips town. Alternatively Whysper, based on my awesome gut.

Can you tell me why you suspect both Gorta and Whysper? Like what makes you think they are mafia

honestly I’m pretty sure Gorta is Town.


I’ve already cleared Light and Thunal based on Cecil’s reads. I cleared Intensify and App both based on gut before, and I’m also doing that to Wazza and you. I had actual case on Cent D1 where I commented his behavior.



If you hit town then we are really not good please take it slow