Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

@Whysper I want you to trust me this once

have you read their iso for progression?

The towniness of their thoughts is literally off the charts.
Which is why their iso justifies (for example) not shooting with me and vulgard

They are wolfy for independent reasons, while you are wolfy for really bad progression

Ash has also snap shot when every shot counts and town wouldnā€™t just shoot without thinking

where ā€œindependant reasonsā€ is?

Not doing what you want?

Iā€™m having trouble trusting anyone thatā€™s left. Though I do give you more of a town lean than others like Eevee and Appel. But I think you might be mistaken on Ash.

Town would re-evaluate before they shoot and play this very carefully

I was really mad yee shot deadbananas, and snapshot once

The days after I was clear about my reads etc, discussed it, and shot as early as possible since it was optimal to shokt early.


Your reaction to that shot was fake as hell

unexplained read =/= gut read

Appel has stated several times that her reads are gut reads

Read the stuff on Ash

where highly emotional = fake?

If you said fakable, perhaps youd have an argument, but you have no footing to say itā€™s fake.

Itā€™s a fake reaction from a tone standpoint

her ā€œvibe readsā€ are one of the weaker points in their iso, Iā€™ll admit.

They donā€™t have any place this late in the game. Your reads need reasoning and I know Appel isnā€™t derps

Okay, next time I need to know if what iā€™m feeling is real or fake, Iā€™ll come ask you, Gorta, Guru of Determining Fake Emotion

Frick off

I need a break, so I likely wonā€™t be back before the EoD, but Ash needs to go

Please remember that salt is fine. Just not too much salt.