Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

Target Votes Voters
Ash4fun 4/6 Centuries, an_gorta_pratai, Light, Wazza
Wazza 4/6 Vulgard, ash4fun, Universal, Whysper
an_gorta_pratai 1/6 Appelsini
Not Voting 2 Sulit, Eevee
ITA’ed ITA user Results
Wazza Ash4fun, Universal, Centuries, Sulit Miss, Miss, Miss, Miss!
Vulgard Wazza, Light Miss, Miss!
Whysper Appelsiini Miss!
Ash4fun Eevee, Gorta Miss, Miss!
an_gorta_pratai Vulgard Miss!
Eevee Whysper Miss!
sulit Wazza Miss!

p sure day just ended

I’m not here to end day just to tell you all to shut up :+1:

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Silence! The day is over!

As the votes on ash and Wazza are tied at 4/6, the cuddle will be random.

as per usual please send in any corrections quickly

Wait, orange, since when are you a co-host :eye::lips::eye:


After the RNG has been rolled, it has been decided.

Ash4Fun has been cuddled! He was…

Town Cowboy

Your only abilities are your vote, your voice, and your trusty gun.

Rid the town of all bandits


Night has begun and will last 12 hours or 2020-09-01T16:00:00Z

This topic was automatically opened after 11 hours.

The cowboys dejectedly wake up to find another one of their members have fallen. This time, eevee was the victim of the bandit’s nefarious plans. So much blood. So much death. And so little to show for it.

The cowboys discarded their guns. Now is not the time for a shootout. They will have to be perfect in their deduction or face the ultimate consequences. Everybody is so broken from the 4 days and nights that came before. And the cowboys silently lamented at the prospect of not only death, but failing to exterminate the bandits from the town at all.

Eevee has died! He was…

Town Cowboy

As the game is in LyLo, votes will be locked. Once you vote, you cannot change it.

If it is ever mechanically impossible for the town to win, the game will be called to prevent dragging it out.

Day 5 has begun and will end in 36 hours or upon majority

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i’m just going to post a few comments from my role pm chat to kick this off.

this game makes no sense. it really is a world where the wolves did fuck all and are continuing to do fuck all, because light is a wolf basically never and the same goes for centuries.
the only person who did something and could be a wolf is appel, and i still think appel’s town.
what is this.

the people we killed who did something were all villagers, and mole spew seems to have been correct so far. the people he talked to early were villagers. the person he tmid as town (ash) was a villager.

fuck eods in the night, holy hell. i never would’ve let it rand there.

i’m going to spend this day phase trying and failing to get gorta, sulit, whysper, wazza vote first in any order. i’d prefer to have gorta crossvote with someone first, preferably with whysper.

you could argue that wazza should vote first in any event of a crossvote. but i think he could be a villager, considering how easily everyone voted him yesterday. either way, we need to establish a voting order and a good crossvote. right now, we are playing this like 9p mountainous where the first misyeet loses the game. we can’t have a misyeet. all votes must be perfect.

my current plan is for gorta to crossvote with whysper, but i am open to alternatives.
we have killed nearly every single villager who tried to solve the game, one way or another. it’s within reason that the other highposters left alive are just villagers.
this game is weird like that.

the only problem is that eevee is a wtf kill. i should be dead. centuries should be dead. light should be dead.

ah fuck this

eevee wasn’t doing anything. the only way eevee would’ve become a threat in lylo is that he could randomly vote a wolf. that’s it.

thats probably just it

wolves are afraid of a snapvote i guess

i’d like to point out that i correctly found mole tming ash as town and we still killed him.

and i probably would’ve voted him there with you, too, but maybe not. i don’t know.
i am ashamed of myself and i am ashamed that we are in this gamestate, with one failed vote spelling our doom. most of this is my fault.

no dont be sad

i think majority of dead villagers played poorly like

its sad

we should both have died by now, but we are still alive.
this probably means that we incorrectly assumed “wolves in towncore.”

wolves are in the poe and have always been in poe. but we pivoted because we killed a ton of villagers.