Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

Because he is a player who can be easily mislonched I believe.

He bled me literally super quickly last FM because I was making “sus posts” (I don’t think he’s ever explained what those sus posts were) and because I didn’t believe another person’s bleed claim. He also tunneled like a couple people and didn’t really seem to care to re-eval day 1.

Never said he was getting quickhammered here, however, I can see him being the top lonch here of the day. I also never exactly stated that I thought anyone on his wagon was scum right now, all I said was that if you’re scum, Seth is a very easy target to mislonch.

Yes, I don’t think he is a wolf, nor have I said that he was a town. He’s null.

Post 100 still. That’s what I have read. My brain stopped processing things when the Leafia discussion started.
It’s really stressful to play and reading thing slower than new things come by and I don’

This isn’t getting anywhere… do you have any reads rn?

pressed enter before I was done by accident. Oop.

It’s really stressful to play and reading thing slower than new things come by and I am unable to caught up in time. Which is why I’m so rambly at the fluffposters.

Go ahead, then.

they replaced a vt with a neutral whose goal was to make it so their target has to win the game while being alive and intensify randed it :joy_cat:

I posted this like 2 hours ago. I don’t think much has changed for me tbh.

All of these effectively drone on that “they’re town because they’re towny.” Go more in-depth to these reasons?

oh random disappearing is normal from Whysper? i was slightly scumleaning them due to vanishing exactly when questioned but if this is usual behaviour i’ll reconsider that read

Whysper did it last time as town I believe, so I’m willing to believe she’s doing this type of stuff as town again.

alright i’ll take note of this, thank you!
i feel i’m at a disadvantage due to not knowing everyone’s metas so i’ll likely ask about particular players from time to time when i have questions

I appreciate the opinion, but I only did because Ap insisted

How experienced are you with FM?

This is not a read but I have to say I really like Cecil.
Like, loving the posts.

This made me laugh louder than it should

What about it looks bad in your opinion?

not at all, i’ve spec’d one game here and a few others in the ToS forums but this is my first time actually playing in one

Your comfort in the thread looks good for someone who’s playing for their first time. Have a townlean.

oh lit thank ya
you can have one in return actually even before you TL’d me i do like what i’ve seen from you so far


I didn’t clarify. My bad.

Going down the list is more likely

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