Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

I’m not exactly sure what you’re getting at with this question. I would expect a wolf to go ahead and continue posting, or stop if he just got bored with it. So it’s either way. But for town, I’d expect him to stop.

over 600 posts to catch up with
gimme some time

ash’s treatment of light feels weird
tryhardy, with the verbose “fluffposting is bad” remarks

maybe i just sense tonal weirdness

i think this is pure
trochilidae can be town

ash is really oddly careful about this push

I agree

Ash weird o_o

i agree but i still think the wagon’s on a wolf so i don’t really mind
i would just like to see a cw option, but my preferred yeet is seth

wouldn’t clear thunal yet i think

posts like these give me pause because they feel too dismissive to be town

i don’t really understand this assessment
there were 6 people on that wagon when you wrote that post
it’s not like he was calling me and wazza wolves specifically
could be any of the other four
why do you harddefend us in a mildly paranoid way so much?

i want to say this is >rand v but probably too bold of a read

i am ambivalent about whysper
probably put that on shotlists tomorrow
easy shot for wolves to make if whysper’s town though

also trochi is 100% locktown lock that in
post 1253

still don’t understand people saying i don’t have townreads when i have like 2x more townreads than scumreads

universal is =rand
gth villa

fine with him being a cw


town seth doesn’t do this
change my mind

are you in antispew?
i’m not clearing cecil by the way

you posted something super similar to this post in your last wolfgame

i hope you realize this is a massive shotlist with lots of villagers on it

kinda weird he announces in advance that he’s going to shade people

…i wanna say this is town
but i know luxy wolf is aggressive too so

See, I just don’t get this. How is not giving a damn and spamming like you don’t care at all good behavior for town? Okay, I understand a wolf playing to win shouldn’t do this either to this extent because it draws attention. But basically a player, either town or scum, who doesn’t care to win would behave this way. So at best this behavior seems NAI. Definitely shouldn’t be used to town lean someone.

nothing luxy has posted has given me a reason to townread him except for maybe his high postcount

gorta gth villa

Yes, I’m trying to sort the others, but with people like Uni/Gorta/Cheese/Geyde not even bothering to play the game then it’s not exactly an easy job to do it.

He literally only has a scumread despite the thread having roughly a thousand posts and that came from nowhere. Would kill either him or claw today.


I’m searching for villagers. A villager who plays in an anti-town way is still a villager and thus should not be killed.

Ahh a worse Leafia? Somehow I like that. :grinning:

Anyway, this feels like the same old town Gorta from last game. Still hating on my slot for my personal style. I read him wrong the last game for this, but now I know this is just him. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes but not sure you read the rest of my post. Basically that behavior seems like a player basically not trying to win, either as town or scum. So at best it is NAI and not town leaning. So I don’t think he should be removed from the PoE just based on this.

if i were to make a shot list right now, this is who would be on it:

shoot this if you don’t know who to shoot

intensify (the most likely shot here for wolves to take)

spicier/borderline territory


if somebody shoots in the spicier territory and hits a villager, their wolf equity rises
spicier territory could easily have three villagers, this is just a borderline zone

add wazza to the borderline territory, although i think he’s gth V
maybe thunal

hero shot territory:


if somebody shoots in the hero shot territory and kills a wolf, they are pretty much always town
even with me announcing this, they will be

I am one of the 6.
Add you two.

This means it is to me, 3 people… and 2 of the 3 remaining being wolves?
I did not like how I immediately disagreed with half of the list.

considering this my legacy
if i flip any reads before eod, i will let you know
staying on seth. confident about that flipping wolf
i really don’t think his town response to pressure is to post a readlist

Hard veto this.