Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

how is this a reasonable conclusion? Seth+Intensify pressuring someone doesn’t make them look worse if you already think they’re lock-wolf so not voting Mol is in no way them setting up Mole to go deep

I did say I’d be lighter on the quoting and detailed justifying since it’s primarily for myself anyways

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Understood and I agree with you there. I probably could’ve worded that better in hindsight.

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I know but looking at your readlist in I think Homestuck it was incredibly detailed to an insane degree, I wouldn’t be exaggerating to say it was one of the best readlists I’ve ever seen.

This one is still good, though. Maybe my expectations are just too high?

as;odijfiaosj;doifjasdfijasio WHAT

this argument basically boils down to

“seth is tunneling them and I’m assuming that seth is tunneling incorrectly if town or pushing town as scum”

the second part of that (pushing town as scum) is meh cuz he’s probably just anti-spewing if scum

the first part of that (pushing town as town) IS COMPLETELY WHACK. Town Seth does tunnel people and is often uhhhhh quite incorrect. This doesn’t make the person he’s tunneling town. Assuming that someone V!Seth tunneled is town just because he tunneled them is a big WTF

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20 on topic related posts now I’m out

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the lowposters are particularly frustrating to me. i get everyone has a life, i do too if only barely. but we all signed up to play this game and i’m more than a bit annoyed i’m simply unable to read some of these slots


I literally only signed up so this would fill. I directly stated that I had about zero interest in playing a mountainous setup because I find them unenjoyable. I’m going to at least do stuff to try and help, but understand that my WiM is low af because I have no fun at all doing this

this is understandable and i respect you for being upfront about it, thank you

uhh… I think lolcommunication

Try this:

  • Due to interactions with the thread and each other, I think seth and intensify are scum. The rest of this arguement assumes this is true.
  • seth and intensify both voted moleland while being pressured.
  • Assuming they were not in antispew, these votes are on someone they want exe’d
  • In worlds where all three are scum, it doesn’t make sense for two doomed scum to try to escape by bussing a “free” wolf
  • Therefore mole is town, given the listed assumptions.

I had that argument as the cherry on top
main argument was well seth is acting scummy and antispweing
and fun fact of even if im wrong about seth i still may be right about mole being town

this is bad assumption to make. Seth has basically no chance of not dying today so he’d definitely be in antispew. I honestly don’t remember Intensify’s posts. I do think this is a really bad assumption to make any reads based off of though. In Insurgency Seth went into anti-spew like an hour into Day 1. We’re near EoD here.

ok I guess I’m confused as to why you think Seth (who you claim is in anti-spew) can give us any reasonable information given that he is… well in antispew

i’m so sorry can someone define anti spew for me

idk I remember homestuck being like 3rd best.

Although ik you had TMI on it then so maybe confusing accuracy/depth?

maybe it was better idk

i may or may not know what antispew means ._.
i used it as “scum spewing someone as town”

I can agree with this, overall yee-claw doesn’t look very good.

if he wasn’t before, he likely is now.

but iirc the vote on mole was about 6 hours into the game?
at that point he was less obviously doomed.

that’s not what antispew is. that’s the definition of spew

Antispew is when scum know they are caught so they just try to create fake spew for town to incorrectly read into (see above)

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ok then ._.

I think seth spewed mole as town