Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

I’m not saying it is all villagers. It had a bunch of nullreads of mines too. I commented on 4 people at it iirc.
I’m not claiming, they are LHF. I’m even surprised Wazza isn’t there.

…so why even object to a PoE if you hadn’t read into the people in there?

Who do you think flips V from my PoE?

yee can i ask for your theoretical towncore? i remember remarking on it but i can’t seem to find it for myself again

Apprentice, Seth and me. Mole is null, Intensify I haven’t read.

LHF = Villagers that can be easily pushed by wolves.

Wolves by definition cannot be LHF.

Also Wazza has been villagery enough, so of course he’s not in it.

Vulgard, Mist, you. That’s the people I’m pretty sure that are villas.


I gave you a response, and you don’t want it… that’s not how you play FM…

Well you see… if I didn’t say this, this would happen:
Me: Posts my catch-up post
People: Idk this feels more commentating than actual anylasis and you barely made any conclusions… you are scum.

You see why I posted that first?

I said in the readlist:

So there ya go.

I’ve already stated that I was reading Seth as a Null… I even said anyone not in the readlist is a Null… you missed a lot of stuff.
And also, why should I be SRing attackers? Just because someone is attacking someone else, doesn’t mean they are automatically scum… that’s not a smart way of playing this.

Yes, we lose a lot as town.

Did you read my response to his case on me?

Are you purely voting now to move forward wagons? Also if you have no reasons to vote against Seth, what reason do you have to vote me?

Could we like hold our ITAs? We don’t all need to go Triggerhappy and start spamming shots day 2.


I’ve given my reasoning. I’ve tried to explain everything, if that’s what conclusion you have made, then so be it.

Aight let’s deconstruct this

Ok sure… let’s see

I never voted for Mole once under being pressured. I have been self-voting this entire time. Not sure about Seth tho

Well this one doesn’t work if I didn’t vote Mole, which is what happened, I didn’t vote Mole at all

Ok yeh this doesn’t work either because I didn’t even vote for Mole.

Don’t worry, hosts will usually tell you whether games are bastard or not. I doubt any of these hosts wouldn’t tell you.

I’ve been doing since my opener…
And yes, it’s memes… why else would I be self-voting

I’m just reading and catching up

I was making it yesterday, was almost done, but had 6 or so people left, so I went to sleep. Then I wake up and it appears everyone has started talking and no things happened, plus the non-posters decided to post, so I just gave up on the list


You’re claiming that Cecil’s PoE is bad.

we need you to demonstrate why it’s bad.

For example, if cecil cherrypicked posts to make their arguements, bring up the posts that were left out that tell a different narrative.

simply claiming things about people’s alignments doesn’t convince anyone of anything.

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Why do you TR Seth?

His wagon had no resistance for the longest time ever and people I dislike voted him.

What’s the VC looking like and how much time do we have left?

we have a bit over two hours left

idk the VC but i think it’s 8 seth 6 you?

Why can’t Seth be bussed?

Who do you think is a wolf that is pushing on Seth?

That’s fine I guess. Seth had his chance for a while. Nothing really seemed to have changed with him. He posted a readlist I guess.

Intensify r u scum?

the bottom of my readslist rn would be like

then above them, yee/eevee

Jezuz, I’ve answered the case on me.

i’m stupid lmao I forgot the Seth-being-pushed-by-wolfy-people was because back then I wolf-leaned Vulgard, Wazza, Thunal and Mole.

yeah the wagon looks better now

I still don’t like how it had no real opposition

ash, vul, leafia, luxy, thunal, tro v
centuries is a tier below out of respect, should maybe add light to the list

Fully agreed with this. Pretty confident on Light as well.