Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

Everybody just shoot yee-claw now until theyre dead please


I feel inclined to just coast until there are only reasonable players left. This game is such a mess.


/shoot yee-claw @Marshal

youā€™ve yeed your last claw :crab:


I donā€™t have the chart but this is sloidly in the region of barely argueably PoE and hits town -> always wolf shooter

Also they are now openwolfing/lolcatting

That shot wasnā€™t necessarily scummy and youā€™re all overreacting

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I mean shot wasnā€™t that bad. That meme post tho

Also heā€™s just like deep PoE anyway so

Nah they want me dead and when I flip itā€™ll be just ā€œoh he was gamethrowing/lolcatting/openwolfingā€ anyway when I never did any of that.

As I said early in the day what will happen is that some wolf will shoot me without due consideration first and get out with it.

this game has been more frustrating than fun anyway.

Stop making snap reaction shots please and thank you

Right now Iā€™m wondering if I should shoot Cloned or a (likely scummy) player with a higher thread presence to stop this madness

If they were leafia and rather pent-up, I could see someone omgus shooting as town.

But someone whoā€™s memeing and omgus shoots and kills town deserves to die.


so you want to kill Light?

i am once again asking for intensify shots

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Shooting because of angry wasnā€™t a good idea in retrospective.

I made an ISO on Leafia, and was pretty sure of my read. Sue me.

actually we can just lynch yee-claw

/vote yee-claw

do what mist says and shoot intensify

/vote yee-claw @marshal


/shoot Cloned