Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

Seth was in anti spew then went full on rule of 3 style by naming me ash (or someone like that kinda towny) and then mole and guess who I think is scum in this list o_o

With 13 votes, someone must have bussed and probably multiple people did. Bussing would be the best way for scum to blend in and avoid suspicion.

Alice hardbussed D1.

So what’s your point?

okay great you’re probably right

who are the scum on-wagon then

My point is what’s your point?

I’m not saying that nobody’s bussing, I’m saying that any bussing is not a coordinated strategy by all the scum.

voted last*

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Possible scum on the wagon (people I don’t townread): PKR, Apprentice, Universal, Mole, an_gorta_pratai
Most likely scum on the wagon: Mole, maybe PKR. I literally forgot pratai existed so maybe I should look at his ISO.

Also sulit could be scum here. They’ve yet to do much other than vote a random lowposter and meme.

appel good

I was thinking heavily on that and my scumradar points to Luxy. He hasn’t done anything relevant other than tunneling someone for 36 consecutive hours as far I recall. I’ll analyze him further.

appel bad

Gorta has really null and easily forgettable posts. He voted Surge but without much reasoning, he was just like “I said I’d vote Surge so here’s my vote”

Luxy’s actually made quite a few reads though.

Ehhh, can I have one with actual vote order, not final one?
You know, a lot of people unvote and vote again etc. etc.

I’m aware of that, but they were not flashy or pushy on them as I recall. He was just weirdly foccused on someone and kept trying to find reasons to scumread them instead of moving to someone else.

I think most ppl never got off after getting on the surge wagon.

Troch jumped off at L-1 to avoid early hammer, they were like #4 or so before that

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I was like one of the first votes period, as was Vul.
And we never rescinded it.

why are you going for towncred off of an RVS vote

actually I think regardless of surge alignment voteparking for literally the whole day is wolfy

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yeah for example me gamer town (actually the opposite im mafia haha back at you with another joke :sunglasses:) voted early and according to the laws of logic if i do something as town and you do the opposite you’re mafia sorry pkr

And Vul shot you.

And you will shoot Vul.

All adds up.
