Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

oh for fuck’s sake
i can’t blame you for taking the shot though


this is why we should be talking about shots before we take them

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ig I’ll echo that I don’t hate the shot but also :/

Oh God no :frowning:

tbf though this was pretty consensus

yes this is what i’ve been saying for literally hundreds of posts now

Yes but I used strikethrough™ so I’m cooler

okay can we say this now, no more shots without discussion first? i know i’ve said this before and i’ve felt a bit ignored

okay updated spreadsheet because I know everyone cares so much

eevee and intensify are the only guns left.



Rip how was PKR town?

I can agree with this PoE at this point.


nice 18%


So I’m 6 for 7 on predicting ITA flips ig

so we went 6 for 1

Whysper just doesn’t seem to care what others think of them and Apprentice’s anti town behavior seems like it comes from discouraged town rather than scum.

actually I’m being too generous about cheese


I mean, if you keep saying ITAs will miss you you’ll only be wrong once :^)