Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

oh uh

something something twelve hours left

ITAā€™ed ITA user Result
Leafia Light, Luxy Miss, Hit!
Deadbananas0 Yee-Claw Hit!
ClonedCheese Applesiini Hit!
Mist1422 PokemonKidRyan Hit!
Moleland Universal, Thunal33, Trochilidae, Centuries Miss, Miss, Miss, Hit!
Yee-Claw Deadbananas0, Ash4fun, Apprentice, An_Gorta_pratai Miss, Miss, Miss, Hit!
PokemonKidRyan Vulgard, Whysper Miss, Hit!
Intensify Mist1422, Sulit Miss, Miss!
Not yet ITAā€™ed Eevee, Intensify

oh my god we fucking shot 6 villagers today

I mean thats why this game was 6 v 19

yee-claw shots look sketchy as hell
ash apprentice gorta

progression from apprenticeā€™s last post about yee-claw to his shot on yee-claw
naked shot + switch from defending yee-claw as potential lhf to shooting him with no reasoning in the post (once it becomes an easy shot with no repercussions)



the next thing he does is question the authority of the towniest players in the game
after shooting and killing a poe villager


If heā€™s a wolf after that performance during ITAs I am going to die

i donā€™t know when apprenticeā€™s read on yee even changed
then again if he was openwolfing heā€™d probably shoot a villager not in poe?

this kinda looks like ā€œok, my ate worked, iā€™m gonna shoot an easy target now and i might survive another dayā€

As I said yee was the safest shot he could take, he was trying to gain towncred from his tantrum and by shooting PoE he could further gain that sweet sweet towncred

iā€™ll take this as a mindmeld

Iā€™d imagine he would be upset after trying to get towncred for bussing his teammate and then getting none

So his AtE probably was genuine emotion which is why it was convincing in the first place

Because he tried awfully hard to grab that cred when he essentially piggy backed off of Vulgardā€™s read the entire time

looks like gorta had no read on yee-claw and shot them just because PoE
could go either way tbh
super easy excuse as either alignment

i feel like he was shrugging irl while writing that post
slightly wolfy dismissal of shooting a villager

Gorta has improved, Iā€™ll say that at least

Still seen nothing from Apprentice I liked

Iā€™d say we need to look at how gorta and Apprentice treat one another, because they provides evidence about whether they were in scumchat like ā€˜lets just shoot yee we know heā€™s town and the townies dislike them so weā€™ll cop no shit for killing another townieā€™

Is there anything that excludes them from being a scumteam

gorta has like 0 associations with yee-claw so i assume it was a shrugshot which uh
could come from either alignment like i said

it was announced for better or worse
and doesnā€™t really go against his progression i suppose
the progression on yee was invisible but considering he didnā€™t really townread yee ever, iā€™m ok with this

What a call day 1

Eod1 VC

Target Votes Voters
Surge 13/13 Vulgard, PokemonKidRyan, Apprentice, Thunal33, Luxy, Appelsiini, Universal, ash4fun, Moleland, an_gorta_pratai, Wazza, Light, deadbananas0
Intensify 3/13 Leafia, Eevee, Yee-claw
Moleland 2/13 Centuries, Mist1422
Light 1/13 Whysper
Whysper 1/13 Sulit
Yee-claw 1/13 RangerCecil
Mist1422 1/13 Surge
Not Voting 3 Intensify, Trochilidae, Clonedcheese

because productivity color is the best way to win mafia

but srsly does this VC make sense?