Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

Also I will find a nickname for you at some point. Just you wait.

I looked at some of your ISOand it seemed like you were happy and relaxed at the start and then got frustrated since someone suspected you. It wasnā€™t a lot of emotion but more than here.

Intensifyā€™s scum game

Kill scum?
Tbh I donā€™t really know my goalsā€¦

You know what
You might be scum after all

Thunal, what do you think?

I replaced in like day 3.
My plan there was to:
A) Sound as nice as possible
B) Pocket everyone (This one went horribly)
C) Make sure PK doesnā€™t die

For Thunal only

Iā€™m trying not to be obvious but anything
But yā€™know
what iā€™m going for with this

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I picked this name specifically so that no one could get a good nickname out of this, itā€™s the perfect strategy

Manual dislike

Do you not like nicknames?

My father was killed by nicknames

challenge accepted, iā€™m calling you 10 now

Iā€™d like to vote App, but I donā€™t feel like getting him that close to hammer.

No Trochy, stop it

Blah blah blah
Intensifyā€™s nickname is

You are now an Asgardian Goddess

I donā€™t think App gets hammered. Heā€™s not at L2 yet

please, Trochy is my mother, call me chili
but yes, iā€™ve mentioned how i like to facilitate discussion and i donā€™t like the idea of app being L-2 with this much time left

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Be my friend

oh my god

i was so fucking confused

ā€œtheres no one in this game who is called chiliā€

We have like 5 hours leftā€¦ meh
I donā€™t think town is dumb enough to hammer App