Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

Yeah, honestly there’s really nothing here worth shooting/exeing imo

Like I don’t think it’s impossible for them to be scum but I don’t really see why they are

Can you tell me the case that’s against Apprentice’s vote?

I resent this
My solve just happened to be highly incorrect

Since when?

Maybe I just tunnel-overlooked it but, I haven’t really seen this.

he was trying to solve the game every time he was in the thread
that’s the line of approach i’m taking here

i think this is what i’m sticking with
i don’t want to shoot more villagers who tried to solve the game in their own way
we’ve done that 6 times today

three hours and five minutes remaining in the day

this coincidentally lines up

or perhaps not coincidentally

i am not changing my mind again
i’ve done this like 10 times today already
i’m done
for today at least
please flip scum

and if this group doesn’t flip wolf
then i’d say the wolves played well, whoever they are

good night :sleeping_bed:


Fuck, I missed him by 2 minutes.

Classic delay tactic

This could go either way idk

Justified response to naked vote

Sulit explains and hounds them for an answer–no reply

No real progression here but they did say earlier they just got back from reading up some

This could be opportunistic or a normal newish town reaction

No visible progression here either

I confirm her read with some mech talk -> TR?
Not great but could be done by newer player

Arguments on light seem consistent

This feels like a towny thought

Not sure how to read this

Everything so far looks pretty good,

up until here. Here it starts to break a little

Trying to figure out if this looks like a scummy reaction to the shot

Some solving I guess, but could also be parrotting the consesnus.

I also looked back at whysper’s other game, and in addition to about twice as many posts, Town!Whysper is a lot more willing to point their vote at whoever they’re thinking about, and I’m not seeing that here.

so I think I believe a whysper scum world

Oh hi eevee

Are you gonna shoot?

cuz you probably won’t get a chance later

I have that little posts?

Y’all really gotta shut up.

Shoot before 2020-08-28T23:20:00Z or holster.

Don’t wait until the last minute pls

I agree, but what made you turn around on Apprentice?


Intensify is an obvious scum.

I noticed that Mole’s read on Intensify in this list is oddly detailed for a null read, more thought was put into it than any other null read.

What made you turn around on me?