Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

hey op do you take constructive criticism

/vote Apprentice @Marshal

Well, Iā€™ll go ahead and place my vote on him then.

well christ app is definitely unkillable. iā€™m with whysper here tbh
/vote apprentice

/vote Apprentice

If App flips scum Marshal is confirmed scumsided

They fired, and they missed. Then they fired again, and they missed. And then they fired and they fired and missed. They missed both times. And then they fired. They missed. This went on for several hours.

and the years start coming and they donā€™t stop coming and they donā€™t stop coming and they donā€™t stop coming and they donā€™t stop coming and they donā€™t stop coming and they donā€™t stop coming and they donā€™t stop coming and they donā€™t stop coming

wait, jeez, how big is this damn cave if all these damn bullets are missing and nobody is getting killed in the crossfire
and did nobody think of just fucking getting closer?

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itā€™s a very dark cave youā€™re basically shooting at random donā€™t ask how you can ever hit your mark and never end up hitting someone on accident

So using the power of science, I have determined that any player has a 20% chance of surviving 8 ita shots.


Doesnā€™t make me less angerry tho

Also I canā€™t wait for marshalā€™s flavor. I demand that it reference the number of ITAā€™s on them.

I wonder what the vote count is. I donā€™t think we want to hammer yet, right?

oh definitely not, quickhammering is almost never optimal here

I mean
Considering the people with shots are all PoE and at least two want to shoot the townleaders
Iā€™d be fine with hammering

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Hmmm, thatā€™s a good point

Target Votes Voters
Apprentice 5/7 ash4fun, Vulgard, Whysper, Trochilidae, Light
Not Voting 8 Centuries, an_gorta_pratai, Wazza, Universal, Sulit, eevee, Appelsiini, Apprentice

why donā€™t we like
go outside

Wait weā€™re all gamers thatā€™s why

honestly, that is a good point. iā€™m just a sucker for all the discussion possible though i suppose

I saw that Eevee tried to shoot Ash. That would be bad if he came back and did it correctly.

Alternative explanation:

you know what else cowboys like, besides horses and guns and lassos?


Oh god I just realized that prospect is actually terrifying