Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

at least my name isn’t an error this time


The people surrounded apprentice.

“You must go! You must die!”

The people closed around apprentice

“He’s a bandit! Evil I say”

They pointed their guns at apprentice


but then…

This happened, but pretend that it was with cowboy things


Apprentice stared at the group

“You all have terrible aim”

Apprentice pointed the gun at his head



Apprentice has been executed. He was…

Town Cowboy

Night 3 Begins and ends in 12 hours at 2020-08-30T14:47:00Z


@Marshal @Italy @CRichard564

The cowboys awaken to find chili splattered on the wall, But not just any chili. Trochilidae. The smell of the long gone bodies is starting to get to y’all. We all want to leave. But we know that we must not do so.

@Trochilidae has died! She was…

Town Cowboy

Day 4 has begun and ends at 2020-09-01T03:50:00Z. ITAs will open in an hour.

(and to clarify how ITA’s interact with MyLo/LyLo, If the game becomes MyLo throught ITAs, all votes will be reset to prevent any cheap quickhammers. ITAs will still not be disabled at this point and votes will not be locked. If the game goes from MyLo to LyLo, all ITA’s will be permanently disabled, votes reset, and votes off.)


Hello gamers

Something I just wanted to say rq,

App literally just gave up the monent ppl started to scumread him. Don’t do this.
The best way to avoid getting ML’d is to play the game.
If the best arguement for you being town in a given cycle is “they didn’t literally claim scum”, you need to start playing the game, or perhaps consider subbing out.

Rant over, back to game.

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What’s all that mean about MyLo and LyLo?

Now I think probably the best place to look rn is who TMI’d app town, or otherwise knew that app would be a ML.

I don’t mean everyine who thought they were town, just people who said they were without any clear reasoning to that point.

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MyLo: MisExecute and LOse
LyLo: EXecute or LOse

Mylo means there’s 2 more town than scum, so if we execute town, wolves kill one and get pairity - we lose.

Lylo means there’s 1 more town than scum, so if we No-execute or ever execute town, scum win.

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since this game has ITA’s, we can still shoot a town in MyLo and it just puts us in LyLo, since we still have the execution

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Oh, okay. So are we close to that? We have 11 people left it looks like. So that’s like 7 town and 4 scum now, correct?

We currently have 3 more town than scum, so if we (god forbid) shoot 2 town today, we’ll be in LyLo

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Okay, I think I understand. So then we have to be very careful with each shot.

And then if ITAs are disabled, we can only kill scum by lynching?

Which brings me to my other point-

I want town to blast the PoE at the start of ITA phase, so that scum hopefully don’t get the chance to blast us first

Hopefully people get on a little before that for discussion

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But even if they somehow get us into LyLo, we still have a chance to win, right? We just have to use votes.

If they start blasting us first, we’ll know who they are.

Also Trochi was the kill because they were completely clear.

There’s people sussing me/vulgard/cent and
a) there’s 1-2 town in the poe they want to turn against us
b) they can’t keep pushing us if we’re dead