Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

Thank you

Also, note this: If we sleep mafia can get 2 factional kills instead of one.

Donā€™t worry, if I can help it we wonā€™t be wasting daytime

I might be in favor of hammering maybe 2-3 hours early to keep EoDā€™s friendly for Europe, but we wonā€™t be quickhammering

Again thank you

Not sure what you mean,

If we donā€™t sleep, mafia can no-kill
If we sleep they have to kill. Prevents ā€œAnd they lived happily ever afterā€ draws in MyLo

By no sleep I thought you meant like we just never voted who to lynch. When thereā€™s no lynch mafia can do 2 factional kills

gorta blast or no blast
blast or no blast

i behave super irrationally when i am given a gun. do not give me a gun ever again please.

blast gorta

/shoot an_gorta_pratai

roger roger

@Marshal @Italy

inb4 this flips villager too, making it 3/3 in my villager shots this game
lost wolfgard at full power


iā€™m a mister but okay


Imagine getting an ITA shot to work in our favor


Iā€™ve been pretty inconsistent in how I use ā€œsleepā€

I think Iā€™ve used it to mean both no-exe and nightkill.

So uh, be less confused pls?

Trying to re-eval rn

mhghngh this is hard

Why in the hell are you shooting me over the person who shot at you? I just want reasons

Iā€™m starting to think thereā€™s more than one deepwolf hnghh

but a lot of people in the clear zone are clear for a reason
and no such reasons exist for the people in the ā€œnot-clearā€ zone

Iā€™m at the point where my highest TR is like

Light lol

the game doesnā€™t really make sense
maybe weā€™ve just been extremely unlucky and shot every single villager imaginable that we could shoot before getting to the mafia