Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

@Whysper @Aelin @Wazza @Sulit @eevee @Appelsiini It’s Wazza or Ash today, so pick a wagon and go there

If you think both Wazza and Ash have scum equity go Ash, as the more active wolf is the bigger threat

Don’t act like my shot was scummy. I expressed the desire to shoot you for a while now, but I was able to wait a bit and gave my reasons

It wasn’t the shot, it had more to do with what vulgard said about “what would scum in the poe be doing?”

I guess a wolf would get people to start questioning the status quo that was killing villagers left and right and get people to think about their shots/hold off a bit and let others discuss said shot

This post is going to look quite bad once wazza flips scum or I flip town.

Don’t read into it until after one of us flip, but remember it if I die

This shade looks quite bad in my opinion. This is blatant shading and you know it

I literally said to ignore it until after a flip

Do you think that post doesn’t look bad after the given flips?

It could be a misunderstanding, but I hate posts like that in general. “if X is Y then C must be Z” kind of posts just scream “shading” and I just don’t like them

who am i on currently


we should kill Appel

I think I am completely justfied in my position that pushing otherwise indifferent people from scum to town looks bad.

Only I can really use this argument until after a flip, which is why I said to remember, but not act upon it

i wonder if people in dead chat are screaming at me right now

if so


I have bad experiences with people assuming that if X flips Y then Z must be C. The reason it irks me is that people can and have been wrong. There is a world in which I could be wrong about you, but I don’t think I am wrong here

I’m not saying you’re always scum based on that flip. I’m saying that it points to you being scum.

Combining that with other things one can make a solid case against you.

But you’re not scum on that statement alone

Pinging me for this seems counter-productive.

/vote ash

However, I’ll trust you.

Oh wait I totally missed this
Can’t anyone just listen to me please
I know I’m not trying but I’ve been right 4 times now
Trust me when I say it’s not Vul, Wazza nor Light

Ash / Wazza instead of Vulgard / Wazza sounds… weird.

Should we try and wagon gorta instead?