Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

…i actually thought this was a meme considering italy’s a host but the context makes much more sense now i understand the situation a bit more

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Can you quote it for me, I can’t seem to find it.

You literally already quoted it for me. Read the last sentence of my quote.


I don’t think that’s what performative means.

performative is I think LAMIST but more subtle, stuff like drawn out wallposts and other stuff where they’re posting in a way that’s looking to get townread.

fluffposting is certainly not performative, by the above definition, but it is scumAI regardless.

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Fair enough.

I have read the entire wallpost. That’s the only thing you said about me, unless I’m missing something here. Besides, I am simply asking you to show me which posts of mine you thought were performative. If you’re scumleaning me, surely you have a few in mind.

they’re talking about this


I really wish there was a rule to put what each abbreviation means by it day 1. You guys have some wier abbreviations.

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Cool… that still doesn’t tell me which posts she thinks are performative, and that’s my question.

Look at me I’m so Towny

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same here, i’ve been having to look up things like crazy so i can understand what’s going on



So, from what I can tell, you have nothing.
You’re just kinda saying it.

Sometimes I feel like I’ve got all the abbreviations and quirks of these sights down, then a new one pops up. The mafia list of abbreviations is a life saver, but i don’t have it up on my phone and I’m too lazy to get it.

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basically posts like:

“I knew they were going to flip town that’s why I didn’t vote them. They were obviously town and I was the only one trying to tell people that.”

Basically posts that just tell other people that your town, with no good reason to do so (ie someone accusing you)

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i agree that Light has been memeing and fluffposting quite a bit, and hasn’t been the most serious which isn’t the best look. however this is a marked difference from his previous scum game. he could have switched up his scum meta, though i’m not sure how hard that would be

Wrong. I think everyone but you knows what I’m talking about. Your wallposts filled with nothing but fluff.

I have wallposts? This is news.

we all use buzzwords.

sometimes we know what they mean.

get over it.

Also buzzword excluded leafia does make a valid read on you, which you’ve not actually addressed.

I literally said I’m having fun with the game already
That might include fluffposting to ease into the thread
Congrats, Sherlock? Congrats, Watson?