Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

SBPCBWE posits that the less posts a player has, the more likely they’re a wolf.

The contrapositive is true as well

I bitterly find myself to agree tbh. I don’t think his scumteam would let him completely troll the game even if he was told do be disruptive as it started to attract negative attention. So lolcat!Light probably would have stopped when people asked him to.

Oh I’m a dumbarse…

I could’ve sworn cent’s question was about finding wolves.


Wtf does SBPCjgifysgfljksjf mean?

mist vulgard thunal and light are my genuine top scum :slightly_smiling_face:

just kidding its you ash perish ash omg scum

sort by postcount because ww expert =)

That in mashes, people with higher post counts are usually town and lower post counts usually scum.

alright that makes sense thank y’all!
adding luxy and leafia to the list of ISO priorities
i’m probably just overly paranoid due to the Alice situation in triple threat

something something
sort by post count boom wolves exposed
or something


the person who added

bwe to sort by post count

is a literal sinner that should be thrown in a volcano

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This is a mash? :woozy_face:

I’m leaving to make an opinion on RangerCecil later in the game as well. I could make an opinion on her now, but I feel like it would do more harm than help in solving her slot overall.

It’s a pretty large game


I think mash in that context just means >20 players


at the risk of sounding like a dumbass once again, what does a mash imply?

that got answered quickly ignore me

Yes but I’m clearly missing my overpowered role where I am both retributionist and doctors

/vote Gorta

Gorta you’ve made 1 post in like 11 hours

and its not even game related


it usually implies people having these vvv


At early day 2 a wolf will scream “nerf this!” and make everyone shoot into a 100% town PoE

A mash is usually a large game with ton of power roles and special mechanics.