Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

He can also shoot Itas as an open wolf tomorrow.

mole was significantly more proactive as town in purgatory
he did more things with his vote, had more reads and takes, actually believed in himself being town
wasnā€™t really in commentary mode at any point


also some of his posts as town have genuine uncertainty indicating a lack of tmi
reading bfa 2 and i see similar stuff
more proactivity and sometimes uncertainty

Mole does have a point, though.

Seth knows that heā€™s dead other way so he may just try to take a member of the towncore down with him tomorrow.

Itā€™s effectively a trade-off for a lynch with more info vs. allowing W!Seth a 18% chance to yeet a villager.

posts look similar at a glance, but his actions are different, same with his direction

Honestly think losing one villager is less harmful than losing information

And knowing my luck itā€™ll be me and that is a sacrifice I am willing to make

Itā€™s not even losing a villager. The odds of his ITA hitting is less than one in five.

Chances are mostly in our favor.


i believe in yeeting a wolf over infoyeeting someone with a slim chance of being town
iā€™m probably misrepresenting the situation here but yeah

Issue here is that W!Seth doesnā€™t give much info as wolves just bus him from the get-go and he went into antispew a few posts in.

Ok, Iā€™ve seen enough. I wanna get some views on Cent.

These early posts are fine. Iā€™d say this was normal Cent. Howeverā€¦

This is :eyes:
Yes I get it is a ā€˜jokeā€™ but so much of their ISO is ā€˜Lol, Iā€™m a wolfā€™ and Iā€™ve never seen Cent do this as town.

I accpet Iā€™ve ommitted some more useful posts but this really stood out to me as Iā€™ve been readingā€¦

Iā€™m not sure if this makes Cent scum, but Iā€™d definitely fire a shot at Cent if I could right now.


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From personal experience every time I see a consensus TR openwolf for shits and giggles they are always villagers.

Wolves are highly reluctant to compromise their positions any way whatsoever, so they rarely, if ever, try pulling this shit.

can we kill moleland the townie for my own safety as a wolf

please vulgard my fellow wolf

Cent has never played like this as town in games Iā€™ve been in before.

Going to bed rn, will be here when I wake up.

Kind of just wanting flips tbfh. Pretty sure that we can net at least three wolves just by nuking Seth/App/Mole/Claw/Intensify.

Whatā€™s your view on Cent?

ok so my scumteam made up of

my 5 other personalities, vulgard, light, italy, insanity, marshal and also seth very important because im currently trying to cfd onto town! decided that mole, you have to die. sorry.