Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

Shade and discredit in a single line as a response

Not a good look buddy

oh perfect i wasnā€™t sure if you were here or not! Leafia would you mind saying who youā€™d put in your towncore when you have the time to do so?

You donā€™t need to engage someone to think they could be scum.

honestly I was half joking and donā€™t have an example

but read over her game in JOAT^2, itā€™s a good example of how she can tunnel as v

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Reads as super fake

Needs a fucking explanation

How so, needs explaining.

I highly doubt Town Leaf acts like they did not talk to Waz or they forgot they did.

This should never be a basis of a read.

Hmmm, not 100% sure but Centuries and Surge are two Iā€™d consider.

I mean you may suspect them, but youā€™re supposed to interact with them first to make sure youā€™re not misunderstanding them

Instead you jumped on an easy wagon that wasnā€™t your buddy (Surge) without any prior progression IN THE SAME post where you called like 2 other players scummy and didnā€™t even mention said voted player

Itā€™s also D1 if you havenā€™t noticed Luxy. Far too soon to be 10p% certain that someone is town.

@Insanity Vote count?



I still havenā€™t seen a valid argument as to why Iā€™m wrong :slight_smile:

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Just because someone doesnā€™t play like you doesnā€™t automatically make them scum. People have different ppl laystyles.

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Btw I have literally only ever seen this post come from scum when theyā€™re under pressure day 1

Everyone knows Day 1 is the make or break day for most games

iā€™ve seen your reasoning on Surge, do you think heā€™s acting similarly to Triple Threat or that heā€™s changed his town game?

@Luxy Highlights of Leafia in Joat 2. Bare in mind, Leaf was Town.

Ele was Town

Was a concensus Town read, was also town


Are just a few highlights (Lowlights?)

Sadly, wacky reads are NAI for Leafia

Youā€™ve seen several.

now youā€™re dodging the point

You jumped on a easily pre-formed wagon IN THE SAME POST where you accused two players of being scummy and hadnt mentioned yee-claw even once in your entire ISO

No I havenā€™t, but you donā€™t need to convince me, you need to convince others

Because if Surge flips scum youā€™re condemned completely in my eyes

I think heā€™s changed his townhome up a bit to more how he was like on the Discord servers.


Why do you think that Leafia is associative with Seth?