Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

ah thanks Mole that makes more sense than what I had originally thought
but yes light there’s been another luxy/leafia back and forth

Nice try. I said my evidence.

@Luxy go to sleep then read joat2 or draw 25

I don’t remember where I was going with that actually

but i would rather take luxy and leafia entirely off the table until at least d3

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Literally was no evidence and barely any progression as I pointed out in your ISO

/vote Leafia @Italy

light pls

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“Thanks for openwolfing Light” no problem Leafia I’ll even say it for you so you don’t have to


Except the first time it was a dick-measuring contest, this time I brought evidence

I can see one thing. The lynch has to be between Luxy and me for the good of the village. /vote Luxy

This type of arguing can’t continue as it’s detrimental to town’s chances of winning.


Calling this an argument would be an insult to kids on playgrounds.

yeah i’d agree that this is pretty detrimental it’s clogging the thread and probably discouraging others to catch up tbh


Wrong. I’m the only one that brought evidence here. You brought BS disguised as evidence.



i have class now, i’ll be back in around an hour to see the inevitable shitshow!

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Uhh something something false ultimatum?

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I will if he does.

Draw 25 :anger:

I quoted literally half your iso

Are you admitting your posts are bullshit :woozy_face: