Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

What is there to comment on?

I am going to stop the arguing with you because this does nothing, but I suggest that you stop with the damn shade. I have other things I should be focusing on

1 solid townread and 3 less solids isn’t the best look in a 17er, can you please make an effort to solve more slots

I wouldn’t bother about you trying to stop me anyway.
So… I just won’t.


I really don’t give a damn about consensus townreads on this site. I won’t hero shot into them, but I won’t not do something just because they are consensus townreads. I will give my reasoning before doing anything with those slots

Updating this since I’m back to my computer

Anyone think it’s weird that the vanity wagons exactly coincides with the remaining shots?

I am going to do that in a bit. It’s currently 6 PM and I will probably take a eating/cool down break after dealing with Centuries, but we have plenty of time in this day. Do you have any reads that you want me to try and make? Anyone you want my opinion on?

actually nvm eevee was on a normal wagon.

ok sorry y’all I’ve been really busy today I got a lot of work from school and I just got back from practice

I still have a lot of stuff I gotta finish but I’ll try to read what I missed tomorrow morning

Oh hi whysper!

you’re one of like 4 ppl to shoot, so I’d like to hear your thoughts on that.

Hi Ash. Yeah, getting through the posts again. I was about to ask about the current PoE since it looks like it got reduced quite a bit. Great shot by Centuries but otherwise the rest are sad to see.

I know I’m kind of a null at this point. I just ask now for guidance on who the current best shot is. I think I saw Intensify was still on lists. App has kind of moved in and out of PoE.

I think a shot or 2 were taken at PKR, but I don’t see why he’s considered scum.

Personal Opinions:

  • PKR
  • Appelsiini
  • Myself

His reactions to each shot feels off to me, that’s like the only reason I suspect him.

Especially to the Moleland shot.

What’s the main case on PKR? I didn’t see anything stand out as scum for him. Maybe a little defensive, but that seems natural.

Oh okay

You don’t consider Intensify on your list?

he shot mist

The towny explanation is believble

but also he shot mist

And I think there was some stuff earlier people were on about

Let me go back and look at that interaction during the shot against Mist again.

I’ve just mentioned the people I’ve either shot, spoke about shooting, or decided to be suicidal.