Wild West FM - Dead Chat

I wasn’t relishing this game since Seth immediately said he was going to bus me before the game even started lol.


– The start of the next day –

could’ve just said this

I’m also a known hard busser and look at how I treated Seth when I was scumbuddies with him. Also, just who are you an alt of Yee?

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Also, I’m loving Gorta right now admittly.

Nope I’m no alt.

CR is one of the secondary hosts.
Me!notalt and you have never met.

I know you’re not an alt. I was asking Yee who he’s an alt of.

My mistake.


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I’m https://forum.imperium42.com/u/mercenary

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We had 2 ITAs fired at lock-clear villas FROM other villas as OMGUS.

What the actual fuck.

Seconded. Oh. So. Much.

Never underestimate town’s ability to screw things up.

I have a feeling that being a co host might be one of the best decisions I’ve made so far in FoL.

I’d advise you to stop with your OMGUS tunnels, tbh. It’s… extremely self-destructive to villages.

Seriously I can’t believe how often I’m mind melding as a co host.

The CRITICAL HIT just seals it.

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You’re probably right about that honestly. Sorry about that.

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