Wild West FM - Dead Chat

Yay. Gg ez no re

Lol I’m dead chat top poster

gg mole tho!

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This is common tbh

first someone thought Anagram p1 was Alice

now someone thought RangerCecil was Chloe


like im honored but


Just so you know, I would have likely made the same opening or something very similar if I was town. That’s just my personality. I know that some people have this strict view that every town has to start out with a joke/meme or intense solving or something like that and can’t just do these friendly or light-hearted openings. But that’s not going to be every player and I don’t think it should be. I don’t think I’d ever be jokey. That’s just not me.


Awww, sorry for that. I truly felt bad about having to fool all these people who trusted me. But I’d certainly love if we could be friends as well. :grinning:

I mean you entered the thread completely clueless of what to do

Hmm, I won’t disagree. :slight_smile: But at the same time, in the future, even if/when I do get better at knowing what to do, I will likely still have a friendly opening. I don’t see why that’s wrong to start off that way. :grinning:

nah it’s chill of course you were gonna do that it’s a game!

Wow. I am finally a level.

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Which is rather weird because when I actually gamethrow, I do it because of external reasons (i.e. grudges) and not because of someone suspect me in an ongoing game.

If you don’t intend to stop gamethrowing because of grudges against people, then expect your black list to last a long time.


I am already doing that though. Plus, did you really think that 90 days is not “a long time”?

I’m not a moderator and it’s up to their discretion as to the penalties for breaking rules.
